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[object Object] | Forum

dave Leader
dave Aug 6 '16
Clean out the error log, edit it, select all, delete, save,  then see if anything new shows up there, we just dont want old stuff so see what shows up after you clear it. 
Rob Aug 7 '16

Quote from dave Clean out the error log, edit it, select all, delete, save,  then see if anything new shows up there, we just dont want old stuff so see what shows up after you clear it. 
[Sun Aug 7 19:48:51 2016] [ow_core_log] [Exception] Message: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'initiatorMessageId' cannot be null File: /ow_core/database.php Line:723 Trace: [#0 /ow_core/database.php(723): PDOStatement->execute() | #1 /ow_core/database.php(476): OW_Database->execute('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) | #2 /ow_core/database.php(512): OW_Database->insert('INSERT INTO `ow...', Array) | #3 /ow_core/base_dao.php(216): OW_Database->insertObject('ow_mailbox_last...', Object(MAILBOX_BOL_LastMessage)) | #4 /ow_plugins/mailbox/bol/conversation_service.php(1114): OW_BaseDao->save(Object(MAILBOX_BOL_LastMessage)) | #5 /ow_plugins/mailbox/bol/conversation_service.php(886): MAILBOX_BOL_ConversationService->addMessage(Object(MAILBOX_BOL_Conversation), 449, 'hello ;)', false) | #6 /ow_plugins/mailbox/bol/ajax_service.php(183): MAILBOX_BOL_ConversationService->createMessage(Object(MAILBOX_BOL_Conversation), 449, 'hello ;)') | #7   /ow_plugins/mailbox/classes/event_handler.php(908): MAILBOX_BOL_AjaxService->postMessage(Array) | #8 [internal function]: MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler->onPing(Object(OW_Event)) | #9  /ow_core/event_manager.php(228): call_user_func(Array, Object(OW_Event)) | #10 /ow_plugins/mailbox/controllers/ajax.php(219): OW_EventManager->trigger(Object(OW_Event)) | #11  [internal function]: MAILBOX_CTRL_Ajax->ping(Array) | #12  /ow_core/request_handler.php(250): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(MAILBOX_CTRL_Ajax), Array) | #13  /ow_core/request_handler.php(226): OW_RequestHandler->processControllerAction(Object(ReflectionMethod), Object(MAILBOX_CTRL_Ajax)) | #14 /ow_core/application.php(346): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() | #15  /index.php(76): OW_Application->handleRequest() | #16 {main}]
dave Leader
dave Aug 7 '16
Rob you by chance would not have debug mode and dev mode on at the same time would you.  That can cause all kinds of crazy stuff.  You should only have 1 on at any one time. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 7 '16
dave Leader
dave Aug 7 '16
well at least i know where its coming from now, but i dont know why that field would be null.  It looks like the id of the person who sent the message. But why would that be null (empty)

Rob are  you sure your mod security is off.  If we backup a bit here, that field would be empty if your mod security was interfering with the submission data process when someone sends a message. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 7 '16
Rob Aug 8 '16

Quote from dave well at least i know where its coming from now, but i dont know why that field would be null.  It looks like the id of the person who sent the message. But why would that be null (empty)

Rob are  you sure your mod security is off.  If we backup a bit here, that field would be empty if your mod security was interfering with the submission data process when someone sends a message. 

Yes, modsecurity is off.
ross Team
ross Aug 15 '16
Regarding [object Object] issue. 

Rob please replace the file in the attachment 

in ow_static/plugins/base/js and enable dev mode, clear browser cache, see if the issue persists. 

  htmlarea.js.zip (5Kb)
Rob Aug 15 '16

Quote from ross Regarding [object Object] issue. 

Rob please replace the file in the attachment 

in ow_static/plugins/base/js and enable dev mode, clear browser cache, see if the issue persists. 

Thanks for the update.  Unfortunately the issue stills exists after replacing the htmlarea file.

ross Team
ross Aug 15 '16
Please share your url
Jimmy Nov 17 '16

Hello since version 1.8.4 I have problems. Impossible to change the home page all the widget the slideshow .... I have an Object Object error. Even with Debug mode no error is visible. Impossible to send mass mails and impossible to receive the notifications of the site by mails. Someone could help me. Thank you . Jimmy

dave Leader
dave Nov 17 '16
Is this a new install, or have you updated from an older version?  If you updated, did your update complete?
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 17 '16
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '16
Jimmy, first of all, one request per topic please. 

Please disable all third party plugins. switch to the default theme. Enable dev mode and refresh your website, then disable it back, clear browser cache and see if the issue persists. 

Jimmy Nov 20 '16
Hello I made the manipulation on the site and nothing to change impossible to modify my homepage
Thanks Jimmy
ross Team
ross Nov 22 '16
Do you see any errors in the browser console when you reproduce your steps? 
Norias Nov 22 '16
Hi !

I helped Jimmy and after replacing all the .js in ow_static/plugins/base and admin, with the files from the upgrade pack, everything is fine !

I think it was a problem with automatic upgrade...

ross Team
ross Nov 23 '16
Thanks for letting us know. 
Brother Andrew
Brother Andrew Feb 16 '17
That Was A EASY FIX!  MUCH THANKS!  :--)
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