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photo is not showing | Forum

Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Sep 12 '16
when users upload photo at newsfeed, post shares but photo is not showing!

any photo is not at newsfeed!

please guide me
ross Team
ross Sep 12 '16
please share your url, make sure site is open for registration and there's no mandatory approve enabled, so we could check the issue, as we cannot reproduce it on our side. 
Marton Laszlo
Marton Laszlo Sep 12 '16
www.quadbook.hu  Photo upload not work. Please help 

ross Team
ross Sep 12 '16
You have internal server error. When I open image link directly Please see screenshot. 

Something is wrong on the server side. Contact your hosting provider to resolve the issue. 

  Screenshot from 2016-09-12 17:10:41.png (106Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 12 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Sep 13 '16

Quote from ross please share your url, make sure site is open for registration and there's no mandatory approve enabled, so we could check the issue, as we cannot reproduce it on our side. 


url is  http://myqq.ir

ross Team
ross Sep 13 '16
Hadi, switch to the default theme and do the testing there

I disabled some styles and the photo appears. Something is wrong with the layout of your theme. 

Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Sep 13 '16
i will check it
Quote from ross Hadi, switch to the default theme and do the testing there

I disabled some styles and the photo appears. Something is wrong with the layout of your theme.