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Perfil photos rotated when users register | Forum

Da Sep 20 '16

My probem is that since i has activate the mobil option.some perfil photos users are rotate.

How i can solved this.

I can not reupload these images since admin panel .Manual FTP change these images but there is not changes.

Versión oxwal 1.8.4

Theme  . Nightshade SB

Url: https://www.adbarrioperal.es

Photo web capture:

The Forum post is edited by Da Sep 20 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 20 '16
This occurs when the photo is taken in landscape mode. The photo will need to be rotated to portrait mode before uploading. There has been a suggestion to implement a rotate feature for photo uploads, but for now manual correction before uploading is the only solution. This can be done using paint to rotate the images.
OW-Ghost Sep 21 '16
i think this issue have been up 1000 times now and i no understand why this never was first on road map to fix because it is make oxwall software looking funny, same a kid was make it and i start thinking why they want a great software looking same a kid make it for everyone use it? 

BECAUSE it is definitly NOT some kids who make this software there is many smart people who was create it and it have more advance features then this one...if this not fixed next update i go for another software i shy use this software with photos looking like that...i want to bee proud when i looking at my website...it have been more then 2 years i think for this issue and 4 or 6 updates with this issue ignored.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 21 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 21 '16
A Google search shows that this is a widespread issue. There are several topics across the Web asking how to rotate images after upload. I didn't find a good answer to it, but I do know it's not just Oxwall. It comes down to how it reads, or doesn't read, the EXIF data, or if the EXIF data is correct to begin with.
OW-Ghost Sep 21 '16
Okey but i have never have sign up to a dating site that have this issue so there must bee a solution for it....and i can say 100% sure there is a solution for everything this is not a NASA problem...this team have many smart guys who i know can fix this...but yes maybe it is a big project i do not know about that at all...But i start very tired to see update after update they ignore the issue that are so much VISBLE for 10000000 people it is bad marketing for they software not only for we who make business with the software

and ross told me i need pay a developer to fix it or wait 2 years before it fixed....when i say 2 years i say that because it is not on they roadmap visible and that when i know it can takes more then 2 years for it bee solved 

not forget we have been patient waiting more then 4 or 6 updates already....

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 21 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Sep 21 '16
I don't know how difficult adding a rotation feature would be either, or if it can be accomplished with a plugin. I seen where Wordpress has a plugin for IOS to correct some of it. I apparently requires Image Magic. I'm sure this one would have their attentions since it's something to satisfy a need for everyone, and not just a few.
OW-Ghost Sep 22 '16
yes i hope so to Darryl B it is satisfies everyone totally agree....
Da Sep 23 '16
Yes.Now it is easy rotare 10 users photo perfil (right click mouse, pait, photoshop....).But if i have 1000 new users ?...download 1000 photos , (re)rotare..name photos by example (54765424577543876.jpg) Who is this long number? o.o....Now that is a big problem for webmaster ...