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group ow_debug error | Forum

Joseph Jul 16 '12

please assist

Edy Jul 16 '12
@joseph samething happened to me. All i had to do... recreate a new database and import previous fields..

if that does not work..
 run fresh installation    and make sure u  install all plugins u had..
then  manually  delete each fields replace with the old one.. for instead: user table u delete new one and replace with old one.. and always check to see if the problem still there ..
Joseph Jul 16 '12
yeah fresh install might work but what do I do if I have lost some very important data
Edy Jul 16 '12
back up  your old  database...    
Joseph Jul 19 '12
I dont have a old database this just happened
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 20 '12
Joseph, did you try reinstalling the plugin? It looks like there is an error with the database table that occurred during the installation.