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Youtube video images served up as mixed content http not https | Forum

dave Leader
dave Oct 4 '16

Has anyone found a solution for this.  It looks like from the error that the video is fine, its the youtube image that is not being being served as https

I have a bunch of these in my console.

Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com/video' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://img.youtube.com/vi/12345/default.jpg'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

I did find a support request from google that says there was no fix for this but it was really old.  Has anyone conquered this yet?

The Forum post is edited by dave Oct 4 '16
OW-Ghost Nov 30 '16
was it any fix for this or not i would like to now to
dave Leader
dave Nov 30 '16
I never updated this, the issue is that the video is fine but the youtube thumb is not loaded over https.  Not much we can do about that, at least i have not found it yet. 
Lorin Dec 20 '16
Does anyone know if this will be solved soon?
Alex Vandas
Alex Vandas Oct 17
There are several success stories that demonstrate how niche social media channels can grow through constant streaming. These examples highlight the effectiveness of streaming in promoting channels with specialized content. To see how continuous streaming can help niche channels grow, explore the detailed case studies here https://gyre.pro/success-stories/continuous-streams-as-a-tool-for-developing-niche-channels. The results speak for themselves: streamers have achieved impressive viewership growth.
lopiccoloson Nov 7

When YouTube video images are served up as mixed content, it means they are being loaded over HTTP instead of HTTPS, which can cause security warnings in modern browsers. To fix this, it's crucial to ensure that all elements on your site, including video thumbnails, are served securely via HTTPS. This can often be done by updating the URLs in your site's code or CMS settings. For mobile platforms, apps like aarya editz mobile can help users easily manage and edit images and videos, ensuring they are optimized for both security and performance across devices. By ensuring that all content is loaded over HTTPS, you can improve the security and functionality of your site while providing a seamless experience for your visitors.