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Not working | Forum

Lahore Jul 19 '12
I was running my network 6 months ago then i closed it because of 500 html error. Now, i re install. 

problem is when i login it shows 500 html error. But it allows to view admin section. Only 4 plugin are installed. when i try to deactivate nothing happens. when i install new plug in it shows error agian 


Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 20 '12
Sagheer, I would need you to enable DEBUG_MODE in ow_includes/config.php and check the 500 error that you receive. That information would help us understand what's the problem with your install.
Lahore Jul 21 '12
Lahore Jul 23 '12
I need help... PLEEEEZ
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 24 '12
Sagheer, can you specify when do you receive this error? During installing a plugin? If yes, which plugin are you trying to install?
Edy Jul 24 '12
I had this  error  when i  turn my dev to true,... and surf  the site none stop..
if i don't want it to happen , i must  empty  the caches in the templates_c  folder...
Roshan Choudhary
Roshan Choudhary Dec 31 '12
Same problem with me 
Alia Team
Alia Jan 3 '13
Can you check whether ow_static, ow_userfiles, ow_pluginfiles folders have 777 permissions set  recursively?