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Auto update failure 1.8.4 | Forum

amit sarker
amit sarker Nov 26 '16
I was trying to update oxwall platform 1.8.3 to 1.8.4  then is shows connection time out and after reloading the page this message come out, please help.

i have enabled debugging mood   
 (Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'LANG_ID_VAR_NAME' in /home/socialhu/public_html/ow_core/application.php on line 779)

  Update failure.JPG (48Kb)
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
Hi amit sarker!

The automatic update didn't finished properly. 

Try the manual update: https://wiki.oxwall.com/install:update#manual-update

ross Team
ross Nov 28 '16
SD +1

Amit, please try manual update, if it does not work, please restore your backup and try again. 

Networking Technologies LLC
Hi, i to tried to update my oxwall sites but didnt know my server needed php5.5 or better, had my hosting upgrade from 5.4.27 to 5.6 and now my sites are down, please help

thank you

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Dec 2 '16
Hi Networking Technologies LLC

If you didn't do any change in your websites before the websites went down, then your hosting probably has a misconfiguration.Please ask to your hosting provider to doublecheck that your hosting meets the minimal requemirents:http://www.oxwall.org/hosting  <--- Look at the right of that page.

ross Team
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '16
What do you mean by your site is down?

Do you see an error or blank page? 

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 5 '16