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OW_DEV_MODE to true | Forum

Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Jan 10 '17
I am executing oxwall on localhost for theme development. I downloaded CacheExtreme but it would mess up the whole theme. In the same manner, I also tried to change the config.php and change false to true. It also mess up the whole theme.


if ( defined('OW_CRON') ){    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);}else{    /**    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode    */
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);    define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);}


There are random fatal errors shown.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\ow_system_plugins\base\bol\theme_service.php on line 357

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\ow_utilities\file.php on line 98

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\ow_utilities\file.php on line 180


Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jan 10 '17

Hi Alec Steven Ardan!

If you make a quick google search for the error "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded " you can find a lot of tuts on how to resolve the issue. You just need to increase the PHP limits and that's it.

The reason is because Oxwall rebuilds the cache on every page reload when 'OW_DEV_MODE' is true.

Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Jan 11 '17
I found an answer


but where is php.ini located?

Alec Ardan
Alec Ardan Jan 11 '17
problem solved. i changed php.ini maximum execution to -1 which means unlimited number of seconds. btw, thank you.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jan 11 '17
You are welcome, I'm glad you got it sorted.