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Best way to avoid taxes? | Forum

OW-Ghost Jan 31 '17

Any have great TIP how to avoid taxes from your home country the first 3 years or five years as new website owner and business owner for social media or dating sites.


Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 1 '17
lol. The old saying is that there are only two constants in life; death, and taxes. Be careful, or the next question you post would be asking what the least slippery soap is. If your site is doing well, the best thing is to get an accountant to see what operating expenses, and loses you can legally write off, and keep good records of those with supporting evidence along with profits.
OW-Ghost Feb 1 '17
Today there is no secrets that every website and business owners that runs a business on internet try avoid taxes 

i see hong kong and singapore are two great places that are good for start up a new interent business and avoid alot of huge taxes at home.

But i no expert on this area i just read on google little bit so i thinking on oxwall many have already start up business and maybe could give me some good advice to avoid taxes

acctually i was read USA is a very great country to start business on as a foreign to avoid taxes but im not sure how it works yet

every country try give low taxes to foreigners that want open busines in they country because they win on that so i feel why should i open business here at home it would bee stupid in my opinion. If you have a internet business you not need have that office in you home country and probably you only need a virtual office

In hong kong and singapore there is agencys that do all the work for you to start a business and run a business there, but can you trust such agencys some say yes you can do ....but i never trust anyone that a problem i have always i always bee forced to trust people in this business that we run here...and so far so good...but i fear one day it can turns 360 degree...so i protect my self for that happen with secret things that i keep for my self that day it happen.

I feel USA can bee complicated process start up a foreign company with no entry pass or visa to USA and to handle all the papper work you self ....hmmm...maybe there is agency in usa that help you with this but propaly they would bee not very cheap to hire same as hong kong agencys

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 1 '17
Theo Mar 27 '17
I think your question is back to front. If you are starting out, i doubt your business will be turning a huge profit so you'll be paying very little to no taxes anyway. It's only when your business starts generating profit in 6 or 7 figure sums then there will be advantages in an off-shore company to avoid taxes and that will be the only time these companies in HK or Singapore will provide assistance. They don't help the little guys. 

But here's the point, i think tax avoidance is as bad as tax evasion. If these missing taxes where recoup from big corporations, we would have a fairer society including fairer way to compete for small businesses. 


Remember "Don't be evil" motto by Google. How ironic.

OW-Ghost Mar 27 '17
Google they to have they company offshore for avoid huge taxes : ironic :)
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 27 '17
Jane Homy
Jane Homy Apr 10 '23
While it's important to pay taxes as a responsible business owner, there are legal ways to minimize your tax liability. However, it's important to remember that tax laws can vary depending on your country and specific circumstances. That being said, you might want to check out PayStubCreator. This website offers a variety of tools and resources to help you generate accurate pay stubs and track your earnings, as well as resources to help you better understand tax laws and regulations. You can visit the website here. While they may not have specific tips on avoiding taxes, they can help you stay informed and manage your finances more effectively.
The Forum post is edited by Jane Homy Apr 10 '23