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login issues | Forum

tommy Feb 4 '17
after i sign up
when i go to login it says error
it does this all the time
i can only enter on this like second login page..which i have no ide where it comes from and i saved as a bookmark to use when i have to log in
but i cant function like this live for memebers...can someone help
i actually have a few bug issues
...log in (cant after signup)
...sending a private mesage to memeber(cant)
...csrf message(i know this is about security issues)
i beleive thats it..i may be frogetting another..but these would really improve the site and i would go live
well any


The Forum post is edited by tommy Jan 15 '19
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Sascha Feb 4 '17
Hi, i actually came across the same Problems.
atm am just able to login through the "/sign-in" process.

must be some difficulties with Ajax or javascript.

But am stuck at the moment and would love to get some hints too.
Tried messing with .htaccess, php-configuration, checked apache-modules etc.

am a bit clueless, and marvelling if oxwall and me will get along ;-)
but i would love to...

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 4 '17
The only thing I can suggest is making sure that your server meets all of the requirements listed on this page.


And make sure your file / folder permissions are set correctly.

tommy Jan 15 '19

thank you

this was from 2 years

log in is always fine

maybe it was the host server

i use 1and1 now