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View forum on mobile? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dana Feb 26 '17
I know there is much debate about Oxwall apps, and I'm not looking to wade into that discussion. I am a member/helper on a forum using Oxwall. We don't use any of the other functionality except the forum and don't care about any other parts. However, our forum is decreasing in participation because the mobile version is so terrible. It looks just like the desktop version, is hard to type in, the boxes don't resize, etc. All we want is for the mobile version of our forum to look like this one--mobile friendly! How do we do that? How do we find a developer who can look at our forum settings and tell us what's wrong? Switching to mobile view does nothing. Suggestions?
Shaun Feb 27 '17
Have you tried downloading a responsive theme?

The ethos theme is amazing for mobles and desktop.
Mikhael Feb 28 '17
I install responsive theme and deleted the mobile version. For iphone and tablets all perfectly displayed, and mobile version is not needed at all. :)
OW-Ghost Feb 28 '17
i no understand how someone can bee happy with the responsive themes at oxwall? Do people only use standard plugins on they websites?

in my opinion responsive themes is just for make money, it works only for standard plugins and not the expensive plugins you buy here or others plugins. there is no good mobile solution for oxwall yet onnly if you not care buy any plugins then you can use this money maker themes that marketing them self for bee responsive but not marketing that it only works for standard plugins no other plugins...

I hope there will bee responsive plugins for everyone at oxwall then i would bee proud of this themes call them self responsive but for now that is not how the reality looks like but i hope it will change

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 28 '17
Shaun Mar 1 '17
Ethos theme is free.

There is a dark and a light version.

The developer is fantastic 

I have 3 pages of plugins that all work fine the ethos theme.

I like it and dont see it as just someome trying to make money and looks much better than the standard mobile setting.