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OW Debug - Warning rmdir and Cant remove directory | Forum

piet none
piet none Mar 7 '17

Hi Guys,


Installed Oxwall a couple of days ago but I keep struggling with warning in Debug mode. Each time I reload the site it shows something different, sometimes no warning at all, sometimes a page full with warnings.


The folders ow_static / ow_userfiles have 777 rights.


The warning I get are:

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            rmdir(/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity/mobile/images): No such file or directory

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      194

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            Cant remove directory `/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity/mobile/images`!

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      196

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            rmdir(/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity/mobile): No such file or directory

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      194

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            Cant remove directory `/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity/mobile`!

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      196

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            rmdir(/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity): Directory not empty

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      194

OW Debug - Warning

Message:            Cant remove directory `/var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_static/themes/simplicity`!

File:       /var/www/vhosts/theme-name.com/httpdocs/ow_utilities/file.php

Line:      196



Anyone can help me with this please?


Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Mar 7 '17

That happens when you have developer mode enabled, it shows that errors because it is trying to refresh the cache twice at the same time, there is nothing broken, it is normal.

Just disable developer mode and you will not see that errors again. Only enable this when you need to refresh the cache, after that put it back to false.

*Change this line on ow_includes/config.php 

 define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);


 define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);

*You will see 2 lines that look like the same in that file, both need to be set to false.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Mar 7 '17
piet none
piet none Mar 7 '17
aha, that simple. Thanks for the answer!