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Managed cloud hosting? Good or Bad? | Forum

OW-Ghost Mar 13 '17

I want to move my website to Managed cloud hosting but im not sure it is good or bad to do? right now i have managed VPS hosting that i need pay every year not monthly and for hardware maybe that i will not use.

I was thinking use this host:


Let me know if there is much better managed cloud hosting to recommend with the same prices they have?

Any suggestions would bee interesting, many offer the same but much more expensive

Thanks in advance

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 13 '17
Daniel Mar 13 '17

Cloud hosting is much better than VPS. VPS is a server cut into many pieces. 

I suggest amazon aws and google cloud, because if you choose other platform, maybe they will be gone in some day, and you don't even know about it, until you find out your server can not be accessed any more. 

You need to pay attention to the storage of their plan.

OW-Ghost Mar 13 '17
Thank you Daniel for the suggestions.

Only problem is that:

Im deffinetly not a server expert and i no have i time take care my server i want focus on my business to grow and not focus on setup my servers for run and then for it have updates and other things that comes with a managed server plan.

or was this prices included managed cloud hosting?

And i agree cloud hosting is probably much better then VPS and i want to try it very soon...

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 13 '17
Daniel Mar 13 '17
according to their plan, they say all plans include 24 unlimited support and 1 free migration. 

I never use their service of the that site you mentioned. you can contact them for more details.

bob Mar 16 '17
moving from arvixe how about tmd hosting is that okay for vps
OW-Ghost Mar 16 '17

Quote from bob moving from arvixe how about tmd hosting is that okay for vps
if you want talk about VPS please open another forum topic about VPS servers, i was talk about dedicated managed cloud servers for easy change hardware in minuts and pay monthly with a much better price then vps and have someone take care and setup your server.
OW-Ghost Mar 16 '17

Quote from Daniel according to their plan, they say all plans include 24 unlimited support and 1 free migration. 

I never use their service of the that site you mentioned. you can contact them for more details.

okey thanks but they prices are a little bit overkill and little bit disk space compare to cloudways managed servers. but then again thanks for the suggestion. 

I think so far digital ocean have best prices for me and my website . i will go for the 17 usd montly plan and see if i need more hardware later and need upgrade.

and i talk with support if digital ocean is gone you can easy clone you server and app to new server from you backups 

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 16 '17
Theo Mar 26 '17
Digital Ocean and Linode are the best in terms of cost and performance but they are vps and unmanaged. You get what you pay for. 

Linode do offer managed server support but that will set you back $100 per month extra. 

OW-Ghost Mar 26 '17
I think Linode is good but way to expensive if you need managed server support like me.
Theo Mar 27 '17
Have a look at A2Hosting. I think their package is very affordable and comes with managed support. It cost as much as like purchasing $20 USD Linode plan with a cpanel license but with managed support throw in. With cpanel, it is easy to manage every aspect of your hosting so you wouldn't need much support, imo.


OW-Ghost Mar 27 '17
Yes i think i will go for A2 hosting this time, they have great prices and possible have my VPS in Singapore.

Theo Mar 27 '17
So you user base is mostly in SE Asia?

You get free SSL as well, using Let's Encrypt. Also, root access to install any server extensions. Most managed services do not come with root access :)


OW-Ghost Mar 31 '17
yes they are great. only i need now is a discount from them but it was not easy to get. they was hard to deal with :) anyone have discounts cupons on a2 that better then the included one? let me know :)
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Nov 16 '17
Hi Guys,

Has anyone managed to host their oxwall website on Google Cloud ?
If so how is there a step by step process you can share with us please ?
Jami Apr 20 '23
In general, a local move with a moving service can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the size and complexity of the move. Long-distance moves can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the distance involved and the specifics of the move. Drive vs Ship Your Car Across the Country