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OW-Ghost Jul 3 '17
Hello Denny,

It is much better to boost your dating or community site to not have many questions when sign up. if they are split to 5 or 2 pages is not make me more happy when i join a dating site with 100 questions i get only tired and want to leave. the best is if you put some questions when they make profile edit they can answer this questions.

anyways i hope you get someone buy this for 79 USD what i think is a over price this time for such feature. you other plugins are way more complex and great to have but this is not a 79 USD plugin and in my opinion not needed 

better make less questions or split some not very importen questions to add when edit

please add some suggestion to memberx plugin i would happy , that plugin is way more imprten to have nice features and it can only bee much better 

the sad thing with some developers is when they post a plugin they think it is finished and refuse add more features because they created it like that and refuse add better features and that where we are today developers that refuse add suggestions that why we not have AWSOME plugins because they not add suggestions because the customer already payed so they should just shut up and not demand any more features for that plugin.

i hope you get this plugin sold for 79 usd but i doubt it my friend...

thanks for create SOME awsome plugins to oxwall.....

i suggest you try go down to 15 USD my opinion about this plugin...but i would not buy it for 1 usd because i feel i not need it but maybe someone need this plugin for they site

my friend i think you need lower the price a little bit if they are not very complex and big but again you free set what prices you want :)

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Jul 3 '17
Danield continues to try to pump money out of people! Will he succeed? doubtful.
Daniel Jul 3 '17
my friends, i sell my code very expensive because i take the responsibility. you know my friends 79 dollars can only hire a senior developer for 2 hours.
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 4 '17
Hi Daniel,

Since you came to oxwall your plugins are different and unique but the prices are way too high...that been said you are the only developer whose has more plugins priced over $99. I'm a proud supporter of developers on oxwall and i have 90% paid plugins and 10% free plugins and i had for oxwall site for 4 years now, check it out... my site https://www.myvirgo.info

We understand it is your time, effort and work but also bare in mind that majority of oxwall site owners are not Americans....I'm from South Africa and our currency is R11 to the dollar...so to get one dollar I have to pay 17 rands and if I want to buy a plugin from you worth $179 means I have to pay R3043 (Three thousand and forty three) which is a one month mortage for a house.

Start small and grow....A big piece  (Your pricing) in a small pie (Oxwall Community) will be impossible especially if there many mouths (Developers) to feed. Think like a business man not only a developer....In business you can't start a Starbucks franchise in a small town and charge crazy prices and expect your business will succeed, it will most definitely fail....guaranteed....start at $39 after 6 months or 30 buys and good reviews then go to $50...not $39 then jump to $179 you will end up like other developers who had great plugins and left cause they wanted a quick buck rather than building a relationship and trust.
The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Jul 4 '17
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 18 '17
I would rather sell 20 at $15 each than 1 at $79

There is NO WAY ON EARTH there are 20 users here who will pay $79 for this plugin. My guess is there's not even ONE.

Some people have no business or market sense whatsoever. So his plugin will sit in the store, unsold, and collect dust while people laugh at his prices.

Your developer skills are only worth what people are willing to pay. No more, no less. Get that through your head sir. Until then, enjoy watching your developments NOT SELL.
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 18 '17
Quote from Jobee Bendijo I would rather sell 20 at $15 each than 1 at $79

There is NO WAY ON EARTH there are 20 users here who will pay $79 for this plugin. My guess is there's not even ONE.

Some people have no business or market sense whatsoever. So his plugin will sit in the store, unsold, and collect dust while people laugh at his prices.

Your developer skills are only worth what people are willing to pay. No more, no less. Get that through your head sir. Until then, enjoy watching your developments NOT SELL.

David Jul 19 '17
"i sell my code very expensive because i take the responsibility."....
So do the people who sell $5 dollar code and 35 dollar code.  Your plugins are not worth more than theirs.  You aren't better than they are... your product is CERTAINLY no better than theirs are.  You're just greedy... and trying to justify it.  You're a rip-off artist... plain and simple... and if you haven't noticed... you really are not welcome here very much. 
Cesar Leiva
Cesar Leiva Oct 18 '19
exacto tienes razón complementos muy caros nadie los comprara yo soy de chile , y ese precio mas de la mitad de mi sueldo , por eso nunca lo comprare y prefiero aprender a desarrollar yo mismo ya que los precios muy elevados no calzan y no todos los países tienen sueldos altos , es buen desarrollador , pero debe pensar en negocios lo cual si los complementos los deja a un precio apetecible a todo el mundo le iría bastante bien , pero no al precio que lo tiene hoy , pero bueno cada quien le pone precio a su trabajo.
Quote from Webster Molaudi Hi Daniel,

Since you came to oxwall your plugins are different and unique but the prices are way too high...that been said you are the only developer whose has more plugins priced over $99. I'm a proud supporter of developers on oxwall and i have 90% paid plugins and 10% free plugins and i had for oxwall site for 4 years now, check it out... my site https://www.myvirgo.info

We understand it is your time, effort and work but also bare in mind that majority of oxwall site owners are not Americans....I'm from South Africa and our currency is R11 to the dollar...so to get one dollar I have to pay 17 rands and if I want to buy a plugin from you worth $179 means I have to pay R3043 (Three thousand and forty three) which is a one month mortage for a house.

Start small and grow....A big piece  (Your pricing) in a small pie (Oxwall Community) will be impossible especially if there many mouths (Developers) to feed. Think like a business man not only a developer....In business you can't start a Starbucks franchise in a small town and charge crazy prices and expect your business will succeed, it will most definitely fail....guaranteed....start at $39 after 6 months or 30 buys and good reviews then go to $50...not $39 then jump to $179 you will end up like other developers who had great plugins and left cause they wanted a quick buck rather than building a relationship and trust.

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Oct 18 '19
Lo que la mayoría de los desarrolladores no entienden es tanto como se esfuerzan y se dedican y necesitan que se les pague por su arduo trabajo, necesitan entender que los usuarios de oxwaller son de diferentes países y que esos países tienen monedas diferentes, así que no todos de nosotros podremos pagar. los precios cobrados puedo pagar por la instalación de mi automóvil, que es un brazo y una pierna.
Todo lo que digo es que nos encontraremos a mitad de camino y apoyaremos su trabajo, un precio pequeño significa más ventas y un gran precio significa 1 o no ventas porque la gente no puede permitirse comprar sus enchufes.
Pero ese es mi valor de 2 centavos ...
Quote from Codebrono exacto tienes razón complementos muy caros nadie los comprara yo soy de chile , y ese precio mas de la mitad de mi sueldo , por eso nunca lo comprare y prefiero aprender a desarrollar yo mismo ya que los precios muy elevados no calzan y no todos los países tienen sueldos altos , es buen desarrollador , pero debe pensar en negocios lo cual si los complementos los deja a un precio apetecible a todo el mundo le iría bastante bien , pero no al precio que lo tiene hoy , pero bueno cada quien le pone precio a su trabajo.
Quote from Webster Molaudi Hi Daniel,

Since you came to oxwall your plugins are different and unique but the prices are way too high...that been said you are the only developer whose has more plugins priced over $99. I'm a proud supporter of developers on oxwall and i have 90% paid plugins and 10% free plugins and i had for oxwall site for 4 years now, check it out... my site https://www.myvirgo.info

We understand it is your time, effort and work but also bare in mind that majority of oxwall site owners are not Americans....I'm from South Africa and our currency is R11 to the dollar...so to get one dollar I have to pay 17 rands and if I want to buy a plugin from you worth $179 means I have to pay R3043 (Three thousand and forty three) which is a one month mortage for a house.

Start small and grow....A big piece  (Your pricing) in a small pie (Oxwall Community) will be impossible especially if there many mouths (Developers) to feed. Think like a business man not only a developer....In business you can't start a Starbucks franchise in a small town and charge crazy prices and expect your business will succeed, it will most definitely fail....guaranteed....start at $39 after 6 months or 30 buys and good reviews then go to $50...not $39 then jump to $179 you will end up like other developers who had great plugins and left cause they wanted a quick buck rather than building a relationship and trust.

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