The worst thing a oxwall amatuer doing is to setup they software several months or maybe years with no SMTP service.
You then have 0% controll what users have reported you email as spam and they can still bee members on your site forever and you never know they reported your email as spam because you did not have a SMTP for check this.
It is same with HARD bounces and SOFT bounces. if you have members with emails like this and you do not know it you are trapped in a bad reputation that is very hard to dealing with and take long time to get back to right track again.
trust me i been there and to make a email reputation to bee much better takes very long time if you have created a bad reputation and you need bee very patient.
and not use shared hosting email servers ,use third part email servers that you know have good reputation.
use SMTP service that not randomly give you a blacklisted IP sometimes. usely cheap SMTP service do this. you get what you pay for.
and dedicated IP for SMTP is only for very big sites , it takes alot of emails every day to warm up a dedicated email ip it is only for very big sites. better use one IP or IPs they already make good reputation on from a SMTP service. but there is traps and a jungle about smtp service avoide cheap smtp service that randomly give you blacklisted IP and randomly give you good IP.
and not forget have a clean email member list when join a smtp, if you not have that and join a smtp they will warn you and maybe ban you and you will bee granted they randomly blacklisted shit ips