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Stan Jensen
Stan Jensen Oct 25 '17
The biggest problem cosmetically was the lack of ability to rotate photos. People who were divorced and making their way back to the dating scene, To have their photos upside down or sideways was embarrassing, both to the user and myself

Well, the plugin has arrived, I have acquired it and it works as stated.


Most of us would have been willing to pay a lot more than the $20 it is being sold for


SENIOR DEVELOPER, You donewell!  :)
OW-Ghost Oct 27 '17
I still thinks there should bee a auto rotate feature not a manual rotate plugin. imagine if you have 300-400 members join everyday how much time you need spend to rotate photos and avatars. 

a half made solution on a software that have more then 8 years in they heads is not a good solution.

so i disagree with you totally that this plugin is a good solution if you have many members that join everyday and upload photos

i can agree it is a good solution for they who have only 0-100 members join everyday

again i think oxwall should fix this auto rotate problem ....

and they who say not possible do not live on same planet that i live on end of story......

(many dating and community software solved this auto rotate problem long time ago)

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 27 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 27 '17
Let's re-cap. The platform doesn't offer a photo rotation feature; auto, or manual, and hasn't since it began.
A dev with the skill to create a plugin to add capability for users to rotate their own photos makes this possible, and receives a comment that this isn't good enough.
Just a note. Some of the big dating sites don't have auto rotation. They have editing tools to allow users to rotate their photos to the correct position. I'll name a few Adult Friend Finder, Swinglifestyle, SDC, and Kaside. These are very popular, and are high end sites with larger user bases.
JB TECH Oct 27 '17
You make it sound as if the admin has to rotate the photos? Almost all of the rotation features on sites I know leave it up to the user to rotate them. An automated feature would not only require software to understand the image and it's uploaded orientation, but it'd then have to believe it needs rotated which could be troublesome for many users.

Automated "xxxx" isn't the answer to everything when it comes to product growth. If it's a convenient tool, users are more than willing to use it.
OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
Many big dating sites and communtiy sites solved this and you know it to. facebook, badoo, all cupid sites and many more sites. if you want i can continue forever bring up sites here. how many you want i bring up?just let me know?

"You make it sound as if the admin has to rotate the photos?"

Very good to let you members fix the sites issues very good business run doing like that....in my world i always want to fix issues and make my site easy to use for my members ,in your world you want lay the software issues on the members to fix it.

I understand you protecting SD and it is not his code i tell is bad or not working i know you guys would take it like that but you need think bigger in this case. His plugin is working i 100% sure about that and i not need buy and test it, he is one of they who do quality plugin here.

He do awsome plugins here at oxwall and i never have any problem with SD i buy many plugins from him and still doing, but me as a person will always speak out when i see something is not correct and in this case i feel it is not correct and that it should bee a auto rotate fix. 

i know maybe this hurt they who make plugins here and develope this software that they can not fix such fix in 8 years or is it more years this software have run?

BUT i will not close my eyes it is still a bug that should bee fixed in the core and have a software that come out from box with no avatar rotate problem

In my planet this is not impossible because i see many have solved it. Or correct me if i wrong nobody solved this on internet is that you try tell me Darryl and jake? nobody have solved this on internet already?

No you argumeent is not strong because there is softwares that solved this long time ago and i have no issues if SOME want to rotate photos everyday and spend they life doing that with 500 active users that upload and change avatars and join the site with new avatars and then put the problems on our members.

SD doing a great work here but this is not the best solution i seen because there is better out on internet but do not ask me how they who solved have done but i 100% sure it can bee solved because i see it with my own eyes

have a nice day 


((Ps. i was just read Darryl B text closer and he says "Some of the big dating sites don't have auto rotation." then we agree about that SOME have fix some have not fix it. Good that we are on same level when it comes to that discussion.))

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
Stan Jensen
Stan Jensen Oct 28 '17
complaing about someones work is the fastest way to burn our developers.

Just buy the plug in, let it continue to evolve 

OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
Stan Jensen i like you idea :)

if SD telling this will bee a coming future update i would with not one second doubt support him and buy both his rotate plugins so he can get more developer hours to try make a fix in future but so far i not see such suggestion in coming updates.

Right now i feel the only one i support when buy his manul rotate plugin is they who never fixed this issue from start and that is not SD that is oxwall team. SD have done what he can do for try make what he can do. and SD fix maybe some see as a FULL fix to let members fix they photos but i see only that as put the problem on you members.

With all this said i thinking buy his 2 plugins but then i know i will put my website issues to my members or me as admin and i feel why should i do that when other sites have solved this

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
i can not stop to comment this comment from jake


Automated "xxxx" isn't the answer to everything when it comes to product growth.


Automation is the future Jake. You can see all business loves to add automation 2017 and try make it easy as possible for they cusotmers. i know because i worked with robot solutions in many companys. and it same with websutes and apps nobody want have compliacted websites and apps. girsl hate complicated websites and apps . they and many others want EASY to use sites and apps. today people are spoiled with easy to use apps and websites and that is the future my friend not manual solutions for solve you own problems

I feel my freind you have wrong picture when it comes to growth you business, yes this is maybe just a small issue but it is not belongs to 2017 to have manual rotation when many sites have auto rotation.

take me to the future not take me back to past ...

i will buy his plugin because sadly there is no better solutions and i agrre like Stan said better support SD and let see if he solve it in future with auto rotate....it would bee a best selling plugin because everyone here needs it

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 28 '17
ArtMedia Oct 29 '17
OW-Ghost i try support develop oxwall, but nobody on oxwall develop team support this, you can check my pulls (toar86) https://github.com/oxwall/oxwall/pulls

Nobody review this, so i stop doing it
The Forum post is edited by ArtMedia Oct 29 '17
OW-Ghost Oct 29 '17
Yes i can see that it calls "pride" they are to proud for get any help they rather make things go slow then get help from other developers.

very bad they should invite you to help them coding and fix issues so we all get better software in future much "faster"

ArtMedia Oct 29 '17
if i fork oxwall in new cms, then this will be faster development process, now i don't spend my time to fix oxwall core.

i earlier think if i earn selling plugins, then i will be fixing errors with i find while creating new plugins.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Oct 30 '17

Thank you for your feedback, my plugin is a tool for Rotate Photos

Almost all best websites does have a feature to let your users and admins to rotate their photos so I made it for 1 customer and decided to sell it here too, so this is why I did this tool. It should not be considered as a fix for the problem that you have. Look at this as a the same tool that other websites include. 

I'm not sure if the or when the auto fix feature that you are requesting is going to be added, but I'm pretty sure It may be done somehow, I just need to figure it how to achieve this without affecting the ones uploaded from desktop, because every operative system, app and software adds different metadata, so it is very difficult to do it.


The problem with having a new cms is that it requires a lot of time and money to make seo and let the world know that you exists, the coding part is the easy part. Otherwise the new CMS is forgotten and it gets lost in time.

Thank you.

Senior Developer.

OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17

I think the websites that solved this is the best ones because they know how to solve problems. if you still concider they who not solve the problem is the best ones, i still will not agree. problem solver should get respect for what they doing and not say they who add manual features is the best ones and move the problem to the members. I respect you because you at least add a plugin that can rotate the photo manual but i feel the best ones is they who have auto rotate feature in this case. but we are now talking about rotate photos no other features because some software is better on other features and will always bee like that.

SD said:

" I just need to figure it how to achieve this without affecting the ones uploaded from desktop, because every operative system, app and software adds different metadata, so it is very difficult to do it."


It sounds like a interesting problem, i love to solve problems....
I think here should bee some "brain storming" from many developers and i sure someone should come up with a solution because you SD and many other developers with no doubt is smart guys and i love solve problem but i not good at coding so i need take a step back in this case because i feel it is a problem that you need understand coding...

My first thought was the plugin need know what photos comes from "desktop" users and what photos comes from "mobile users" is there something that can see this? 
Another thought someone try create a "fingerprint" plugin here but did not success maybe this plugin can feel what hardware the user use when upload photos.

And Vadmin plugin can know what user agent a members sign up with.

Maybe there is better ideas i just come up with this ideas with out analyz it deeper ..just on the surface...
I love when problems get solved :) 

Thank you.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Oct 30 '17
Let me explain this issue furter:

1. User take a picture on smartphone and upload it.

2. User take a picture on smartphone, copy the picture to his pc/laptop/mac and upload it from there.

3. User take a picture on smartphone, rotate the picture in their smartphone and upload it from smartphone

4. User take a picture on smartphone, rotate the picture, copy the picture to pc and uplado from pc.

5. User take a picture on smartphone, rotate the picture, copy to pc, rotate on pc, upload from pc.

6. User take a picture on smartphone, copy to pc, rotate on pc, upload from pc.

7. User take a picture on smartphone, rotate on smartphone, copy to pc, rotate on pc, copy to smartphone, rotate on smartphone, upload from smartphone.

Now consider all this scenarios in the way back, taking picture on pc webcam and upload on smartphone.

Some software use metadata to know the photo is rotated, some other use other metadata, some software rotate the picture and doesn't add metadata, so it is impossible to know if the photo has been rotated before or not, how and which orientation is the correct.

If you just want to autorotate the pictures coming from smartphone, it may be false positive ones too, I'm have been working on images and php for a long time that's why I know there is a lot of problems to make it work on all scenarios, sometimes a picture gets rotated and should not be auto rotated (that is called a false positive).

As you have said before the majority of your visitors are coming from a smartphone, maybe a solution "for smartphones only" it is "almost enough". 

That maybe can be done, but it will be a new one plugin.

Senior Developer

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Oct 30 '17
OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17

SD said:


Some software use metadata to know the photo is rotated, some other use other metadata, some software rotate the picture and doesn't add metadata, so it is impossible to know if the photo has been rotated before or not, how and which orientation is the correct.


this is interesting and a way on the right track....there should bee alot info on google about this. I will do some google see what i can find on internet about it.


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17
OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17
i read this:

New Software Almost Always Obeys Exif Orientation Tags

Thankfully, most applications now do obey the Exif Orientation tag. If you’re using Windows 10, File Explorer and the default image viewer will properly obey the Exif Orientation tag, so photos that come from your smartphone or digital camera will be display properly. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS both natively create photos with the Exif Orientation tag and support it.

the link i find: https://www.howtogeek.com/...r-correctly-rotated/

so why should we care about old software??? 

if there is SOME only SOME photos that not auto rotate you can use the manual plugin that you created but i feel many photos should have Exif added 2017 if i read this article correct and then get auto rotated with software (plugin) that support Exif.

One more thing the plugin could see if the photo have Exif or not have and implement manual rotate to the photo that not have? a hybrid solution


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Oct 30 '17

Everything you said is good, until you read my comment again regarding the software and apps to edit pictures and that remove the exif metadata or rotate the picture without adding exif data... and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Why do we need to care about old software? because not everybody buys smartphones and pcs every year, not all old hardware is compatible with all new software, and when they have old hardware/software there is "false positive".

You are right on going to the future and being compatible with the newest technologies but there should be retrocompatibility to avoid such issues.

I agree, a hybrid solution is always the best option. I will see what can I do.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Oct 30 '17
OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17

okey thanks a hybrid solution would bee very nice :) 

but still in my mind is ask my self how do they solv this with auto rotate if there is no meta? because i know someone have solved it? i sorry maybe i need go hospital but i like go deep in things nad try solve things 100% perfect if i know there is solutions 

but for me a hybrid version would bee enough because i feel 2018 many photos should have Exif but not all


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 30 '17