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How to fix missing "Powered by Oxwall" button? | Forum

Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 2 '17
After a freelancer we hired made some customisation to our site our site the powered by oxwall button at the footer has disappeared for some reason. We have never asked him to remove it, and he has never touched our theme files.

Im a bit frustrated here since I just now realised that it is not legal to remove it. I have checked the theme files where it is coded in to show, but there is no issue with the code of the theme we have chosen. My question is then how can I find and fix this issue myself?

It seem like the customisation that was done has somehow managed to intertwine with how this button is supposed to show. 

The freelancer we hired is a pain to communicate with and it would be the most easy to fix this myself, or rather get someone to help me out. We do have freelancers whom are supposed to help us with further customisation but it would be the best for us not to have to pay someone to fix this, as we do not have deep pockets for our budget. Which is why we really appreciate the Open Source Community and their effort in making such possibilities available for us that does not have big budgets...

ArtMedia Dec 2 '17
find in your theme folder master_pages

add too all files in section "ow_footer"


Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 2 '17
All of them already contain this in the bottom of the files:

<div class="ow_footer">

        <div class="ow_canvas">

                <div class="ow_page clearfix">


                        <div class="ow_copyright">

                                {text key='base+copyright'}


                        <div style="float:right;padding-bottom: 30px;">






{decorator name='floatbox'}

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 2 '17
With the code, and css being there.There may be some other element, or css pushing it out of view. You can try using inspect element to try to see if that is the case.
ArtMedia Dec 3 '17
check if css code dont have display:none attribute or javascript code dont hide image. What say Darryl: You can try using inspect element to try to see if that is the case.
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 3 '17
Thank you very much for your answers.Im not sure which css code you refer to, and im not 100% confident how to find the right info through the inspect function in the browser. Even though Im in the process of trying to learn it all. Is there a certain file I can check instead?

The first image:

yoursite.com/ow_static/themes/your-theme/images/powered-by-oxwall.pngis working perfectly in my browser, how ever the next one is not:

which is showing a message telling me i have no persmission to access the file, which I guess is normal as its the same with other files in that same directory?

The file is in its location how ever.

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 3 '17
ArtMedia Dec 3 '17
give us site url
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 3 '17
The url is as follow:
The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 5 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 3 '17
Interesting. The div is there, but the <a> tag, and the <img> tag that should appear beneath the <div> aren't showing.
The code you listed above should be in both the general html, and dndindex.html files.  In addition the blank.html file should have the code for the attribution only without the copyright, or footer menu.

<div class="ow_footer">
    <div class="ow_canvas">
        <div class="ow_page clearfix">
            <div style="float:right;padding-bottom: 30px;">

If the code is in all three files. The next question would be is if you see the same issue in other themes. If it is all themes then the issue could be somewhere in the core files.

The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Dec 3 '17
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 3 '17
The problem is in other themes as well yes..

The developer whom made this happen was working with implementing a skadate plugin to our site.
Could it be that the skadate plugin is making the oxwall button invisible?

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 3 '17
ArtMedia Dec 4 '17
so developer must edit core oxwall files where smarty variable bottomPoweredByLink is assing in php code

maybe he change this to $this->assign('bottomPoweredByLink', ''); and you don't have image
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 4 '17
I have gone over the files that has been modified and I realise that he has modified the base.css file in the theme, location /ow_themes/professional/base.css.

Im not fully sure of all the changes in the file, but he has at least added some code after the last line number 5612, which makes the new file containing 5687 lines.

The new lines are located beneath the /* --- End Splash screen --- */ and look like this:

/* ---- Ulist big Styles ---- */

.ow_ulist_big {    padding-top: 12px;}
.ow_ulist_big_item {    float: left;    width: 25%;}
.ow_ulist_big_item .ow_miniic_live {    top: 2px;    left: 2px;    position:absolute;}
.ow_ulist_big_item_cont {    height: 240px;    margin: 0 auto 20px;    overflow: hidden;    position: relative;    width: 180px;}
.ow_ulist_big_avatar {    background-position: 0 0;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-size: cover;    height: 180px;    position: relative;    width: 180px;}
.ow_ulist_big_avatar:hover {    box-shadow: 0 0 150px #000 inset;
}.ow_ulist_big_avatar_shadow {    display: block;    height: 180px;}  
a.ow_ulist_big_avatar_bookmark {    position: absolute;    bottom: 6px;    left: 8px;    display: none;    color: #fff;}
.ow_ulist_big_avatar:hover a.ow_ulist_big_avatar_bookmark {    display: block;}
.ow_ulist_big_info {    margin-top: 4px;    position: absolute;    margin-bottom: 8px;}.ow_ulist_big_info_name .ow_small {    position: relative;}.ow_ulist_big_info_name .ow_small:hover {    text-decoration: underline;
.ow_ulist_big_info_name  {    float: left;    max-width: 160px;    max-height: 1.5em;    overflow: hidden;}

/* ---- End of Ulist big Styles Styles ---- */

Could this be what make interference with the Powered by Button? 
Or could you give me some tip about which line to search for?

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 4 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 4 '17
This doesn't appear to be anything related to the theme files since it happens on all themes. There is a file somewhere in the core that defines the $BottomPoweredByLink.  If you can find where that is, you may be able to solve your problem. 
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 4 '17
Thank you very much for trying to help, but Im not very advanced in all of this and am having some problems what to search for in the files.

As for example I searched for ow_footer and got the following results in two different files outside the themes folder:

where I found this:
<div class="ow_footer_menu">
And file:

where I found this:


?? Im not really sure what to search for here, so just trying several search phrases using Notepad++ to search through all the codes in the files..
Should I try change display:none to something else, in case into what?

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 4 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Dec 4 '17
{$bottomPoweredByLink} is calling for the variable bottomPoweredByLink. This should be somewhere in the core files, and would also have code defining the link for the image, and the image location. I would guess that it is defined in one of the php files, but I have no idea which one. Since this happened after the developer made modifications; he most likely changed something in the file that defines this.
I wish I had a good answer for you. If it was something just css related, that may be easier, but this does appear to be something changed in the base files, or possibly something in db has been removed.
Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Dec 5 '17
I see. Thank you. 

I read something about how it was allowed to remove this link by donating $50. It seem now that this could be an easier solution for us. How ever I have dual feelings about this as I do like the idea about promoting the oxwall system and their idea as an open source system. And after having read a lot about the process of removing the link, it seem like it is not a well liked option. Which I understand. It also was very difficult to find information about the $50 donation possibility. Which makes me ask if this is actually true?

Is it really allowed to donate $50 to get allowance for removing the Powered By Oxwall link or not? And is it just to make the donation or do we have to register our domain in some database?

If so, we are at least certain about doing this legally, as we are not able to find an other solution now at this time. It would be to the best if we did not have to prioritise this at this time.

I don't mind donating this money anyhow, so if we figure out how to get it back in at a later time we would definitely see that as an option and regards of being able to use the software. 

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Dec 5 '17
ArtMedia Dec 5 '17
i can try help you if you want this link, read https://developers.oxwall.com/...m/topic/57668?page=1