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Tried to Update Plugin but Site Has Crashed! | Forum

Blaire Aug 26 '18
Tried to update a plugin. "Location Maps"

Entire site site has crashed and will not come back up for me.

500 Internal Server Error
Request Timeout

This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.

Can anyone help, please?

dave Leader
dave Aug 26 '18
go into the DB via phpMyAdmin in your panel, and go to ow_base_plugin table and find the location maps plugin on the list, then change the isActive field for that plugin to a 0  

that should bring your site back if that plugin is the issue.  It might also mean that you are on a host that limits your connection time.  That you will have to talk to you host about.

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 26 '18
Blaire Aug 26 '18
I appreciate your time so, so much.

The site has been stable for the past couple of months, but I had avoided updating plugins because this actually happened once before and I became overwhelmed at trying to resolve it. I think you are on target with my hosting having limited connection time. I'll have to put in a ticket with them.

So, I did exactly as you suggested. I logged into phpMyAdmin and set the plugin that I had tried to update to 0 for it's isActive field.

The site did not come back up but I did pull the error_log. I received at this point in regards to the language file:

[26-Aug-2018 22:59:02 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ''admin+u' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting ')' in /home/dcgl/public_html/ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php on line 815

I once resolved errors like this by removing the ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php completely and let it compile. I did that this time but it was a no-go and refused to work with me. So, I dumped that file and let things reload. I received this error in the error log now:

[26-Aug-2018 23:08:40 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ''base+questions_question_field' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting ')' in /home/dcgl/public_html/ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php on line 4048

So, it seems it's just going to give me the runaround for the lang_1.php file because it won't recompile. Any ideas on how to make it do so?
The Forum post is edited by Blaire Aug 26 '18
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18

if you notice it has double quotes on one side and a single quote on the other, that might be a clue..   

let me do some searching for you, im sure it has happened before, everything has lol 

dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
whats your setup, just curious?    apache, shared or dedi and what version of oxwall and how are you updating them
Blaire Aug 27 '18
I'm up to giving you access to take a look at this yourself if you'd like too. Just let me know and I can private message it to you.

What's so weird is it's like the lang_1.php file just randomly stops generating. It just suddenly cuts off from repopulating but I can't figure out why. If I continue to purge the file again and again then it will randomly cut off at different areas, even, and, of course, result in the error.
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
I usually dont get into other peoples server unless nothing else works. So i know this has happened before i have see that message somewhere.   Ill try to find you a resolve 
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
Please tell me alittle about your setup, it might trigger a memory for me. 
Blaire Aug 27 '18
I'm not sure what one might need to know so I suppose I'll list off a bunch of stuff:

OW version: 1.8.4
PHP Version: 5.6.36
Apache Version: 2.4.33
MySQL Version: 10.0.35-MariaDB

I am on a shared hosting plan still with a dedicated IP.

I was running the SimplyResponsive - SB theme:

I did have a few plugins enabled at the same time.

When I went to update the plugin that led to the site crashing, all I did was choose to update it through the admin control panel. It attempted to load for a long while and then resulted in the 500 error page. So, it does make sense that it timed out, okay, but I'm not sure what would happen during a time-out that would cause an effect on more than just the plugin being updated/failed to be updated..?

dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
well if it corrupts or half rights to the table that could be an issue

can you give me alittle time on this to see what i can find, i know i have seen something about this somewhere. 

dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
do you have a backup just in case
Blaire Aug 27 '18
I do have a back-up from 8/26 midnight. So, not entire data loss if I absolutely have to revert back. Just a day's worth of stuff and a few new accounts that were created.
ArtMedia Aug 27 '18
turn on debug mode and paste error from 500 error page
Blaire Aug 27 '18
Debug only continues to show blank white page 500 error.

Error log shows still same error:

[27-Aug-2018 03:25:14 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ''base+questions_question_field' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting ')' in /home/dcgl/public_html/ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php on line 4048

Now purged ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php to force it to try to re-compile again. Error in error log has changed to different line but still errors, site still down:

[27-Aug-2018 03:30:15 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ''admin+u' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting ')' in /home/dcgl/public_html/ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php on line 815

Checked ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php file. Line 857 just stops mid function. It just cuts off and ends prematurely. But Line 815 from the error log appears exactly:

  'admin+theme_update_download_error' => 'Invalid or empty update pack archive',
ArtMedia Aug 27 '18
try to write to developer plugin, or paste code from last update file
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
do you know how to do phpinfo, if so then run a php info  please

also check your permissions 

folder must have 777 permissions set recursively:


The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 27 '18
ArtMedia Aug 27 '18
i bet on wrong character on lang value (in map location plugin), so oxwall broke when try generate cache file.
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
yeah thats what im thinking as well, but i also want to see if we can spot a bigger problem why this happens in the first place. :)
Blaire Aug 27 '18
1. I've written to the plugin developer in hopes he may be able to help as well. I'm not sure if he will help though. I know many plugin creators are absent for long periods of time so he may be away on other endeavors.

2. I do not know how to do a phpinfo. I am sorry. Again, if you need to gain access I can give you the details of that and we can also discuss compensation for your troubles too. Though, that being said, if we are able to get the site back up without having to revert to the back-up then I would like to tip the both of you and anyone else who contributes to the troubleshooting. I truly appreciate your time, kindness, and knowledge.

3. I checked the specific folders you mentioned. I changed them all from 755 to 777.

* In reference to what may be suspected to be the issue, this has happened previously when trying to update an entirely different plugin from a different developer. Is it possible that another file, unrelated to one of these third-party plugins, is really causing the issue?

Just tossing the idea out. I'm rather clueless and clumsy. I am not the original, original creator of the site but acquired it early on when the creator felt they could not spare the time to work on it. I acquired it as a hobby for a specific community it's targeted toward. My point here is that I had not researched Oxwall prior to it and had only experience with phpbb forums. So, I'm sorry I'm not as helpful as one would prefer.
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '18
OK one last duty for you and then ill see about looking things over for you.   On the right side of this page is the list of requirements. 


please verify that your server meets these specs. 

Some of that stuff you can find in your phpinfo() report.  The reason i want you to do this part is so you can learn because you will need to know how to do this.  

So to do a phpinfo listing here is the fastest way. 

edit your ow_includes/config.php file and AFTER the <?php at the top put this code



then save it and load your site, you should get a long report appear on the screen.  Keep that on the page and go back and remove that code you added and resave that file. 

What you are trying to do is to display the report quickly and then remove the code  fast so that if someone else loads the site they dont see the report because well you dont want the bad guys seeing that info.  

Once you have that info on the screen dont close that tab because you cant get the report back unless you add the code again so just leave that tab alone. 

Now you want to go down that list and see if your server meets those specs. 

Myself or ArtMedia can walk you through it if you have questions were to find the stuff, but the first thing is to get the report up so you can see it. 

go get um.... and let us know when you have the report up. 

Now since your site currently has an error (i dont think that matters it should still work for this) it might not depending on the issue.  Just let us know... 

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 27 '18
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