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Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Nov 1 '18

I think Oxwallplus didn't make a significant development.

In general, time should be spent for more important problems. But oxwall admin has added extension for editing purposes. There is nothing else.

I think this is a very ridiculous place, friends, oxwall github page why you do not support. The aim here is not to just add and sell. You're insulting Oxwall developer effort. There is a labor of the man who does this, every cut is considering his interests. The site administrator has cut off all the help from you guys. I want to draw your attention to Skatedata. This person is paying everything. But oxwall doesn't charge you. It offers its add-ons for free. I think you're doing a lot of disrespect to the oxwall developer.

I'm surprised that he was able to tolerate this, and I think it's more logical to be the ones who sometimes cheat people. You should look at how good people's labor is exploited. This can't be justice.

Please let me demonstrate a remarkable improvement in oxwallPlus. Pity this is very sad. I will always continue my full support to the oxwall developer. People who do not see the success of their work should be ashamed.

OW-Ghost Nov 2 '18
I hard understand your english sometimes? my english i know is very bad to but when you write something it is like you use google translate or something?

Are you say that we should not develop a oxwall fork at all and try help oxwall team on github? if that you say it is exactly what ArtMedia was try to do but oxwall team rejected his help several tiimes ...

i think it is hard to help people that not want any help and and the oxwall team feel there is nothing wrong with they software . because that was one oxwall team member jump in 1 year ago and told that is nothing wrong with the oxwall software , he told it was stable and working great and no update need. so they opinion about update the oxwall software is not very importen for them the last 2 or 3 years. and it is free work they not get any money from anyone to do it. and they now we will stay and not leave and buy plugins sometimes

i think they who still here will not leave and keep support this old version of oxwall ...

it would bee interesting to know how many we are that support this software is it 50 people is it it more then that?

Quote from Oxwall Türkiye

I think Oxwallplus didn't make a significant development.

In general, time should be spent for more important problems. But oxwall admin has added extension for editing purposes. There is nothing else.

I think this is a very ridiculous place, friends, oxwall github page why you do not support. The aim here is not to just add and sell. You're insulting Oxwall developer effort. There is a labor of the man who does this, every cut is considering his interests. The site administrator has cut off all the help from you guys. I want to draw your attention to Skatedata. This person is paying everything. But oxwall doesn't charge you. It offers its add-ons for free. I think you're doing a lot of disrespect to the oxwall developer.

I'm surprised that he was able to tolerate this, and I think it's more logical to be the ones who sometimes cheat people. You should look at how good people's labor is exploited. This can't be justice.

Please let me demonstrate a remarkable improvement in oxwallPlus. Pity this is very sad. I will always continue my full support to the oxwall developer. People who do not see the success of their work should be ashamed.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 2 '18
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