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gogle map platform | Forum

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Onur Nov 10 '18


In June 2016, we announced a change to Maps JavaScript API requests. At that time, we gave you temporary free usage based on your consumption to ensure that your applications would continue to function. The services included in this transition period were: Elevation, Directions, Distance Matrix, Geocoding and Places.

We appreciate you as a loyal and long-standing customer. Our goal is to make sure everyone is on a simple, consistent, and scalable plan with Google Maps Platform. Starting on November 29, 2018, we will bill all your usage for Elevation, Directions, Distance Matrix, Geocoding and Places, according to our new pricing plan.

If your usage stays at its current level, you can continue using Google Maps Platform for free after November 29 - your current rate of usage is covered by our $200 free monthly credit. For more information, please read our FAQs.

We have also noticed that you have not set up a billing account yet. If you set up a billing account now, you’ll benefit from free Google customer support. Adding a billing account will also ensure that if your usage spikes, your projects will not experience a service interruption. Get Started Now to add billing information to your account.

Thank you for using Google Maps Platform.

Best Regards,The Google Maps Platform Team
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Nov 25 '18
Godbye to google, for ever.
OW-Ghost Nov 25 '18
what is the limits for get free service?
Onur Nov 26 '18
Yes, we have more 3 days to 29 november
ArtMedia Nov 26 '18

 Free up to 25,000 map loads per day.3


i preparing plugin with openstreetmap option

OW-Ghost Nov 26 '18
I think only a "plugin extension" of the "original map plugin" would working, because all my entire skadate website and apps are build on the original map plugin that connected to other plugins.
ArtMedia Jan 23 '19

For now i created distance plugin, which show distance between you and user, which profile you view
