I had made no changes at all today. No changes for a couple of weeks. I am confused.
Even when turning debug on it does not provide me details. Just blank white, generic 500 page.
Checked PHP version. Still 5.6. That was okay before.
I don't understand why this error would randomly come?
I pulled error_log and see many, many, many lines repeating the error over and over:
[24-Dec-2018 01:35:43 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Cannot access property CSBrowser::$_agent in /home/sitename/public_html/ow_libraries/browser/browser.php on line 226
Pulled ow_libraries/browser/browser.php
I do not see anything strange?
Does anyone know what might have happened and how I can fix it, please?
This seems to recur when I do nothing at all. I'm not sure what is repeatedly happening or why so I can prevent it from happening in the future. It's very frustrating and disheartening. I'm not sure what's wrong.