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error message | Forum

gami Mar 15 '19
Who can help me? What kind of a mistake is that?


  error1.png (51Kb)
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Mar 15 '19

OxWall does not work well, not most plugins with PHP 7.2, ask your server to install PHP 5.x and you will not have problems.

Perhaps in your control panel of your servers you have the possibility to change the PHP version

Using more modern versions of PHP does not give you anything extra because the new features that it incorporates are not used in OxWall, perhaps it will provide some speed but it would need a very accurate chronometer to appreciate it because the slowness of OxWall is due to the queries to the database and not the calculation.

see more info in Google

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Mar 15 '19
AppXprt Mar 15 '19

Gami, please wait for the OxUpdater patch. I've already told you this is directly related to the Smarty libraries and has ALREADY been fixed and it is merely a warning, not an error.

Please see this:


I also committed a fix and pull request on GitHub to fix VirtualGifts for PHP 7 and sent Senior Developer the fix to update his Emojis plugin which is based on this same plugin. It actually doesn't take much to get plugins working on 7.

Please do not install PHP 5 as it is not supported any longer and you will be defeating the progress we have already made.

I am exhausted, but I will have a patch shortly...

For the Record, Oxwall and actually every bit of my site is much quicker on PHP 7.2 for me, not just Oxwall.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Mar 15 '19