Is Ipv6 IP adresses supported on oxwall ?
Is Ipv6 IP adresses supported on oxwall ?
From my last time reading about this (which has been awhile) here is the general scoop.
1. Its too confusing for the general user to implement.
2. It does not solve enough issues to make the change or implement at all.
3. It is still being developed and there are alot of techs that consider it still a beta version.
The only way to know for sure if it supports it would be to set up a test environment and try it.
here is some statistic from 2018 and soon it is year 2020
I did install cloudflare that have set they CDN to recieve ipv6 as default and i was get members join with IP
first i think i was hacked later i was understand it is the new ipv6 that either my server can not handle or oxwall can not handle
Thats why i ask if someone have this working on they oxwall website fully?
If works on oxwall i can start analyze why my server not handle ipv6
but i need sure first if it is oxwall or my server that not handle ipv6
i use ip-remote module because i need recieve original client IP when i use cloudflare or any cdn
hope someone here use cloudflare or use ipv6 on they website that can answer
that is very bad news and you will loosing alot of traffic and that is not good at all
dissapointed i feel i use software from 1990 not from 2020 i hope someone can build a plugin that upgrade oxwall to use ipv6 IPs it would bee a big upgrade for make you site growing much more
i can fully confirm many use ipv6 the year 2019 ,because i see my server logs they ipv6 ip adresses many try enter my sites every day
not my cdn use a public ipv6 adress or maybe it do, i do not know all cloudflares public ip:s they use and probably not static ip:s in front end
and this
what OXT is trying to tell you is that it probably has more to do with your server config than oxwall itself. Your users connect via your server and that is where much of the work is done, if you cant config your server then the battle is lost before you even start, and a plugin is not going to make any difference in that case.
so again like a oxwall developer told here it is oxwall that not lookup the ipv6
if i only could read code how oxwall lookup ip i could understand more how it works and why it fails with ipv6
suprised nobody use cloudflare with they ipv6 set to default and use oxwall.....hehe....anyways this forum is not very big anymore sadly so you can not always get the answers you look least i was try
here is that code, but its only in the FB plugin, have not found anything in the core yet.
// With dual stacked DNS responses, it's possible for a server to
// have IPv6 enabled but not have IPv6 connectivity. If this is
// the case, curl will try IPv4 first and if that fails, then it will
// fall back to IPv6 and the error EHOSTUNREACH is returned by the
// operating system.
if ($result === false && empty($opts[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE])) { $matches = array(); $regex = '/Failed to connect to ([^:].*): Network is unreachable/'; if (preg_match($regex, curl_error($ch), $matches)) { if (strlen(@inet_pton($matches[1])) === 16) { self::errorLog('Invalid IPv6 configuration on server, '. 'Please disable or get native IPv6 on your server.'); self::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); $result = curl_exec($ch); } } }
that is in base_facebook.php
and for the API its on line 43 in ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/api_server.php
maybe i need the cloudflare plugin installed for the ipv6 working fully?
i will test install the cloudflare plugin see what happens
many people asked many times what the cloudflare plugin doing? and maybe this is one thing it fix?
i will try read the ini file see how the ip works in that plugin
thanks for the help dave
OW::getRouter()->addRoute(new OW_Route('cloudflare_admin', 'admin/plugins/cloudflare', 'CLOUDFLARE_CTRL_Admin', 'index'));
if ( (bool) OW::getConfig()->getValue('cloudflare', 'is_enabled') ){ if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']) ) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; }}
with my very little php skills it looks like it sets ip address variable that is usually used to determine client ip
that just tells the server where to go to find the admin page of the plugin
if ( (bool) OW::getConfig()->getValue('cloudflare', 'is_enabled') )
This says if the cloudflare plugin is enabled then lets check to see if there is a cloudflare ip that goes along with that
if the php function $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']) has value,
then set the ip address function to the value of the cloudlfare ip
otherwize the ip will be the default $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] which is the ip shown to the public.
See there are dif types of ips, the ip that you show to the public, the real ip, and the cloudflare ip which uses their proxy.
i know testing again activate ipv6 in header with this plugin and see if i still get ips in oxwall if a user sign up on my websites with a ipv6 adress
i will solve this issue and later when i solved it i will tell how i was solve it or if someone use cloudflare and ipv6 then would happy if post here how you was solve it :)
i think easy solve it if you know how to do
OW::getRouter()->addRoute(new OW_Route('cloudflare_admin', 'admin/plugins/cloudflare', 'CLOUDFLARE_CTRL_Admin', 'index'));
that just tells the server where to go to find the admin page of the plugin
if ( (bool) OW::getConfig()->getValue('cloudflare', 'is_enabled') )
This says if the cloudflare plugin is enabled then lets check to see if there is a cloudflare ip that goes along with that
if the php function $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']) has value,
then set the ip address function to the value of the cloudlfare ip
otherwize the ip will be the default $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] which is the ip shown to the public.
See there are dif types of ips, the ip that you show to the public, the real ip, and the cloudflare ip which uses their proxy.
cloudflare plugin did not help at all
ipv6 adresses are now start show up like in oxwall database
how to make oxwall read ipv6 adresses ....what i missing?
is it a server setting i need or is it a oxwall core upgrade i need?
a new third part plugin call ipquality plugin is read the correct ipv6 adress when someone is that possible?
it must bee a oxwall core issue that not handle ipv6 i can not think about something else right now
that third part plugin is not support ipv6 sadly
If ipv6 is being read using that plugin then its not the plugin doing it, its the api to ipquality website that is doing it.
I could prob do a plugin to do this but ill let others have the glory.... im sure SD or someone will come up with something. Ask Patricia or artmedia and see if they will do a plugin.
You can also try ebenezer obasi and see if he will do one as well, if he is still active.
i follow up oxwall core lookup ip feature with some info
so yes only a plugin would working with ipv6 lookup on oxwall and so far there is nobody who created such plugin that support ipv6.
i talk with artmedia and he tell his plugin support ipv6 if set to lookup when user sign in everytime, but still i get value in his plugins
maybe he will fix it, i hope so