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Overall SEO ability of oxwall site except forums | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ash Sep 23 '19
Hi All again

i wanted below help in overall SEObility of site - If anyone can help me each point .. 

I am using OxArt Advance SEO, it has got some real great features but it is incomplete.. is it advisable to remove it and keep it default? below are my problems

1)when embeding youtube video and sharing to social media it does not fetches the video's cover image instead takes the Open Graph Social Image  
2)Same problem of wrong image fetching as point no 1 when sharing user's profile to social media, i am going to buy the cover photo plugin so would wish that cover image shd be fetched as OG: image while sharing
3)For Events and Blog - I wish to give my users the rights to change the SEO text like Title, image and description for their own posts
4)When a user tries to shares photo via inbuilt fb sharing the title and keyword comes as "View 28 photo by User" (i think it is taking from url: photo/view/28/latest)  
5) The default plugin https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/805 for social media sharing buttons is nicely places but its icon size are really small & not at all intuitive 
6)Any great Strong-point tip or rock solid plugin for - crawlers, google fetching etc ..in-short to make the website come up on ranking?---

SEO is a important part - and i would wish experts to please give their advise so that the site really works socially well! 

if its not possible to solve above issues then we can connect for building plugin for solution



The Forum post is edited by Ash Sep 23 '19
OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
I advice you not use plugins that developer abondon the plugin project. this plugin have many issues that need bee solved and i think it not support 1.8.4 oxwall version fully. the developer try help me with a seo project and leave me with a half finished project and stop talk with me. maybe he have coding skills this guy but he do not like when report all the time his code have bugs. 

again i advice not use the plugin, i have try it long time ago and notice it have to much bugs

use only plugins from developers that are very active....not use code from holidays developers....they are only think of they own interest and give a shit what happens with you website

the plugin is soon 5 years old....and the developer is working at creates video games and give a shit about oxwall users in the last 5 years

he have great ideas but he not stay and support them sadly


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
Ash Sep 23 '19
hahaha -- you saved me from boom shakalaka !! Thanks a Ton mate!!!
OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19

Quote from Ash hahaha -- you saved me from boom shakalaka !! Thanks a Ton mate!!!
you welcome :)
dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '19
SEO has changed alot over the years. Now google no longer uses META Tags at all.  Although there may be some things that can be done to improve SEO, the largest influecer is traffic, word or mouth, and content.  You will find that if people are talking about your site to others and the site is getting hits, and people stay to add and read content, that the search engine spiders will take notice and your SEO will be improved.  It just takes time.   

In the early years scammers made a fortune convincing people to buy special SEO services which promised  to  improve their listing and so many people got ripped off because there is no magic bullet that can improve your site other than traffic, word of mouth, content.  

So yes there are some things you might want to do to help your SEO but dont spend more time on that than is needed, there are other things that are way more important to worry about.  If what you have is popular, it will get noticed by the spiders. 

This means that some of your content you will need to make available to the public so the spiders can see it more clearly.

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 23 '19