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Video html template - landing page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19

I decide create a html landing page from scratch with video on top for my website and oxwall software.

But i have problems

I search on internet for html template but not find any awsome template for dating site with video on top.

I need you guys send links to awsome websites or templates with video and maybe i can get some great idea from start build and design my own main landing page from scratch.

I have no mind to buy a finished template but i feel i not find any that yet that i feel like this "wow"

To successs need a "wow" factor when look the page.

hmmm....i try search little bit more

a question:

is it possible add a full screen video on top that are mobile responsible on index page with some plugin in the oxwall store? it would bee a fast solution but the speed would not bee awsome. i could not see any video theme in oxwall store. i think would bee awsome if someone created such plugin or theme

all i can see is a photo slide show plugin and themes :(



The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 23 '19
dave Leader
dave Sep 23 '19
Just buy my video plugin and make it the main page by putting it in the first position on the menu.  


You can use the oxwall video plugin as the main page.


You can use SSI (Server Side Includes) and edit the base html page of the theme and include the video plugin that way.

All untested but it should work.

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 23 '19
OW-Ghost Sep 24 '19
Problem is when use this 2 plugins the url adress will changes from www.mysite.com to www.mysite.com/video/ and i feel it looks no good for a main page url. And this plugins will add more then ONE video screen at top of page? i not sure i have not test this plugins so i not sure what is included in they main pages. maybe possible remove some stuff but then why not start modify main page html page . i feel same work.

the last options maybe can work.

but what is SSI ? edit base html would working and i could maybe do that. but then i need change the css ? where i find both css for main page and the html? 

maybe there is a great guide how to add a video on top of a html page with css? it need load fast and i thinking have lazy load for get good seo and the first google bot is load is a photo in just under 1 second. then the video clips starts. and i see someone create the video responsive and i think need css and html skills for doing that :)

but still i suprised there is no plugin for this? the coolest you can get on oxwall main page is a photo slider that someone created a plugin for

hope someone will do a plugin i can sponsor the project if not to expensive and all my requirements will bee there


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 24 '19
ArtMedia Sep 24 '19



and add html widget, there you paste embed video code

dave Leader
dave Sep 24 '19
Have a look at what ArtMedia said above. 

But regarding SSI sorry i just wrote an article here on how to use it but not i cant find it, maybe it got deleted somehow... 

Anyway SSI (Server Side Includes) is a way of including another file inside a html file.  You have probably seen in PHP where it said  include('filename.whatever');   well SSI is a way do the same thing but with html.  

I will retype the article and post in in the tutorial section when i have time. 

OW-Ghost Sep 24 '19
i did not know you have build this plugin...i need to test it :) Thanks :)
Quote from ArtMedia



and add html widget, there you paste embed video code

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Sep 24 '19