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What tools and what system to use to develop plugins? | Forum

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Oct 19 '19

I started with Windows and XAMPP I am not satisfied.

I currently use a folder that hangs from my style website https://misite.com/develop where I have another OxWall installation.

To edit files I use PSPAD and ATOM at the same time because neither of them allows me to work with two projects at the same time and there are many parts of a plugin that serve another and it is convenient to be able to open two plugin projects at the same time to take advantage of codes such as plugin / bol / plugin_service.php, plugin / controlers / admin.php, plugin / langs / language_en / plugin.xml and others that are very similar.

My favorite editor is PSPAD because it is very agile, well designed and its search / replace is very comfortable, but if you open and close projects several times it hangs, it is necessary to exit the program and re-enter. It is capable of editing files by FTP but in projects it does not memorize the URL of the files well and it is not practical, it is easier to work in a local folder tree and to try to copy the whole tree to the server with WinSCP.

It works great, I have developed many plugins and patches as well.

I am currently making a really giant plugin, with thousands of lines of code and I find that my work system is too slow.

Can you recommend something else?

OW-Ghost Oct 19 '19
I use Debian and Webmin on google cloud server GCP and happy with it so far.

My next server i willl try windows and Xampp

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 19 '19
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Oct 19 '19
Thanks for answering but asking about development environments for plugins, not server administration.

dave Leader
dave Oct 20 '19
I have always coded my software right on the server (cpanel).  I know many devs dont do it that way but i have always done so even in the old days.  I figure why not develope it in the same environment that it will run.   So i just use the cpanel file editor and develope that way. 

When i was developing i also had several installs of Oxwall and since i have 3 monitors i would sometimes have to use several browsers to run dif things at the same time. 

Im not sure there is a perfect environment to develope in, i think whatever environment works best for you is the perfect environment for you.  

The biggest asset i enjoyed during my development days was the use of multiple monitors, i dont know how i ever did things with a single monitor. Now ill never go back to just one. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Oct 20 '19
Paul Oct 20 '19
Docker Container & PHPStorm
dave Leader
dave Oct 20 '19
Container's have thier place but they are also not perfect environments themselves, they have issues just like anything else.  As far as PHPStorm, it all depends on what you want to get out of it as it also has issues.    
loyed Aug 5 '21
Thank you for responding, however I was inquiring about plugin development environments, not server administration. five nights at freddy's
AppXprt Sep 10 '21
I Love PHPStorm... Their Deployment stuff saves a lot of time and streamlines development.

You can use AWS Free Tier for a year for a web host if you have nothing else.

If you run Linux you can also just run LAMP/LEMP right on your dev machine.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Sep 10 '21
Janes Benth
Janes Benth May 4 '22

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