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New Leader Patricia | Forum

dave Leader
dave Nov 29 '19
Please join me in congratulating Patricia 

to the well deserved new role of leader.  

Patricia has gone above and beyond to help people on the forums for quite a while and her motiviation and love of Oxwall is quite evident and appreciated.

Patricia has also written some plugins and is self taught when it comes to the whole plugin process.  Patricia has set the example of what a normal user can achieve if they put in the time and effort to learn and grow with the community.  

I believe i can speak for Oxwall as well in thanking her for her tireless efforts.  Thank you so much patricia for taking that step forward when so many were taking steps backwards.  I know you still have much to learn but none of us stop learning and growing.  

Great job and Congratulations!

Dave :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 29 '19
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 29 '19

Thanks, OxWall, and you, Dave !!!

I try to support the community with my work and I will continue to do so!

Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Congratulations, Patricia on your new role! It's deserved.
Michael Nov 29 '19
David Nov 30 '19
Congratulations! Well deserved!  Best wishes :-)
Sumate Dec 1 '19
I personally have a lot to thank Patricia. She is a great person, someone who you can ask for help if you need. Many congratulations and thanks for helping to make this community better.
OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
I feel not fair to make SOME people higher then others that still active here...

We are ALL very little people active on this forum bring the software forward not only one people. 

Why is dave better then me or why is Pratrica better then Obasi or Sumate.

Congratulations Parcilia ! 

If it was me they give this "leader" stamp i would say exactly the same i say now.

Still they think only little people need for push the software forward. thats why we never get forward because only some people get credits

Better they come in here and talk like normal people and give everyone a BIG thank you.

this my opinion....hate or like it ...up to you...

no i not jealouse .....i see this like a big group work that everyone bring something....not some leader work...that why i can not bee very happy for such system when there so many still do everything for help software move forward...wrong point out some people....very wrong

some question i ask my self when i see this leadership thing...

- why did they not support developers that want bring this software in to the future? why they did not take them in they hands? and promote them to much higher levels? I heard developers ask them several time to help fix bugs but they close door in face....oxwall could bee great....but you need take care of the free work yu get and not scare they will bee much better then you to build software. right now everyone need come from kyrgyztan for bee a team member and it have been so in 10 years. that is the problem. open doors to a new oxwall team instead of put some strange leader shirt on some people.

oxwall need two things:

1. all people come together and see everyone as leaders that active here and build things for the software move forward 

2. new mobile open source that support plugins in the store 

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '19
@sweden  While i agree if you have issues with oxwall they should be addressed at some point. This is not the place to do so.  A better option may be to just say congrats and leave it at that, then address your concerns in a new post.  

If you would like to say congrats then please do so, if you cant do just that then please remove your post all together and create a new post with your concerns. 

Every company or organization in the world  promotes workers or has some other kind of acknowlegement for those that go above and beyond, this is one of those cases and why she earned the new role.  Others can do the same, no one is stopping them, and they too will get recognized in turn.

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 1 '19
OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
dave i know you like you leader shirt. and that you not share my opinion.

but i feel not fair against many others that done awsome work here .....that is the different from you and me....we think never same!

That is okey, i can live with that!

I have the right leave my comment here same as you have...oh i forget you are the leader...sorry dave...not forget report to you other leader that is you duty ....

For me everyone is leaders in here....we are very strong that still stay here after they abondon the project over soon 4 years...it no time bring up a leader shirt

like or hate my comments...but i always speak from my heart directly

it would bee better they thank you everyone who stay here and build plugins and help people....that is much better

it was a low hit for they who have done same awsome work that pricilia have done....a hit in the face for this people...but i know they like me not care about this stamp...we are know we no need the stamp for prove we are better then anyone...

Happy new year!

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '19
In case you forgot her name is patricia, not pricilia.  Others that have given above and beyond will also be recognized in time when appropriate.  

Yes i hold myself to a higher degree not because of the role but because of the person i am.  I was that person before the role was ever given to me and i am the same person now.  And i only got this role because i went above and beyond, being here night and day, learning the software, helping others, and all of that to a degree that was above and beyond most others.  The key words being "above and beyond".  

It does not mean any of us think we are better than anyone else, i certainly dont.  

It also  means that i have to maintain my professionalism even when some people try to cause drama and make statements that injure and offend others.  Being able to maintain my professionalism in those times is another reason i have that role.  Patricia also shares that ability to be professional.

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 1 '19
OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
okey dave sorry we others that are left here not that good....lol....i know one here or at least two or 3 that should have gold medallion ....for but huge work bring oxwall forward....so no the system not good....say what you want...but i not like this system at all....as i said better they remove this "leader" shirts and thank ús all for still stay here and help with software and help people...it is no right time bring up new leader shirts when so many doing a awsome work. 

anyways dave, keep u leaders shirts on i feel you deserve it, because the way you talking ....if someone give me one then please remove it. 

hope still this many awsome developers will stay...and we take this software to future with no leader shirts on :)

good night...

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Dec 1 '19
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Dec 2 '19

Read the official position from Oxwall Foundation here: http://devblog.oxwall.com/2011/06/community-leaders

It has nothing to do with someone being better or worse. If you see “Leader” badge on user’s avatar it means the user has been providing quality help for other Oxwall users on the forums for some time and we decided to acknowledge their expertise and dedication.

OW-Ghost Dec 2 '19
I know many that have done that in many years...for me i feel everyone that still stay here is leaders because we still stay here and help people and help software move forward. 

very simple and logical ...but if you want one star the latest 3-5 years then it is not my business. but i feel unfair system against they who try help and bring this software forward for many years. so i need forward my opinion ....if not like my opinion always free remove them...

Quote from Oxwall Germany

Read the official position from Oxwall Foundation here: http://devblog.oxwall.com/2011/06/community-leaders

It has nothing to do with someone being better or worse. If you see “Leader” badge on user’s avatar it means the user has been providing quality help for other Oxwall users on the forums for some time and we decided to acknowledge their expertise and dedication.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Dec 2 '19
dave Leader
dave Dec 2 '19
Thank you for sharing that Ox Germany, it sounds like it was done with the best of intentions and that is good for the community. 

I also agree that there are those that have helped others but some of those same people are also very abusive and argumentitive. No matter what is posted they seem to be out looking for a fight every chance they get.  Those are the people that wont get my recommendation because that sort of abrasiveness is just not good for the community, and it sets a bad example of what it takes to be a leader. Until they change thier ways.  

When i say that, i am not just talking about the role itself, i am talking about what it takes to be a leader in life, in business, in general.  And top of the list for a non leader is embarrassing the role you have, regardless if it comes with a colorful label or not. 

To me the colored label means more than just a role, its the person behind the role that is most important and what they represent.  There are traits that do not match the character of being a leader such as being a bully, personal attacks, being unprofessional.  And its those traits that i see in some people for which they wont ever get my recommendation regardless of how many people they help until they change their ways and treat people and the community with more respect and in a more professional manner. 

It is not seperation of the ranks that is Oxwalls intention of the acknowledgement. As i learned in the Army, roles and ranks help solidify the masses to have purpose, integrity, and a mission. Upward mobility is always earned not given. 

Also remember that Leaders have no special privileges above those of a normal user, we have no extra forum authority or permissions to that of a normal user.  So to say we think we are better is a reach at best.  

The only Oxwall provided benefit that we get is entailed in item 6 of the rules on this page.   https://developers.oxwall.com/forum-rules

We get no other benefit other than the request for respect, which we give back as well. 

I just feel that its mean and nasty for anyone to try to spoil someones acknowledgement post by hijacking it for their own complaints and purpose, to cause havok in a proposed positive moment.  To me its just down right petty. 

Finally to those that are aspiring to help others and be a role model, please continue to do so with or without any role.  For those that just complain it is important to look inside yourself and find better ways of conduct. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 2 '19
TonyKa Jan 26 '20
Patricia is fantastic and extremely helpful and kind! Its an honor for Oxwall to have people at the level of Patricia! 


Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 26 '20
Thank you! I try to help as much as I can.
Quote from TonyKa Patricia is fantastic and extremely helpful and kind! Its an honor for Oxwall to have people at the level of Patricia! 


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