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Photo Plugin | Forum

gami Feb 8 '20

Hello everyone,

i recently had a problem with the photo plugin. When a member uploads pictures to the photo album ( not private / only visible for friends, the pictures do not appear in the gallery anymore. 

Strangely white are the pictures in the member area Photos. 

I do not understand this any more... 

Does anyone have an idea?

OW-Ghost Feb 9 '20
when upload a photo check :

- oxwall error log 

- apache error log

- mysql error log

tell me if find anything....

next step

When load "photo page" in google chrome browser . Open "develop tools" in chrome browser and see if there is any errors when load the page in the console

tell me if find anything....

next step  look if you have:

777 permissions recursively (all files and folders inside this folders):



The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 9 '20