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.htacces or virtualhosts config problem (or both) | Forum

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Feb 8 '20
I am playing well with the oxwall product so I decided to link my personal url to the site.

I am used to on others CMS I tried but this time it does not work at all:

When I type: https://www.chat-bdsm.fr which is my url, the url is redirected to (ox15 being the directory where the product is installed!) 

It shows on my computer the welcome page but when accessing form outside, it is obviously an error. I tried for hours to understand what happened with no success. I am sure ths is a simple mistake and IU tried to change everything on virtualhosts but nothing worked. I am becoming crazy.

Anyhelp welcomed! You can try yourself the url chat-bdsm.fr

Christophe Tricaud

Paris, France

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Feb 8 '20
Edit ow_includes/config.php, change OW_URL_HOME value, save and reload website.

Senior Developer.

Christophe Tricaud
Christophe Tricaud Feb 9 '20
Once again thanks a lot, this is quite strange to have to specify the URL Home but that works! I hope I will not find some other surprises.

I may need some dev help, I will remember to contact you!

Best regards