Any ideas?
Any ideas?
You have to check that the ow_userfiles folder and all the ones depending on it have the write permissions set to 0777.
You have to check at
what size limits you have set.
You have to try several photos (not just one), there are some that the graphics library doesn't understand and aborts the upload and triggers this same error message.
Note that every time you upload a photo, if it fails, you have several files left in ow_userfiles/plugins/photo that start with tmp*.* . You can delete them, it's a known OxWall error that we drag since OxWall was invented.
edit:i found the temp in the following folder ow_userfiles/plugins/base
Please check here too:
that there is another limit, this one affects only the photo plugin.
You can upload photos to NewsFeed?
Can you upload avatars?
Can you upload photos with other plugins?