Pat i happy you solved it!
After you was check server requirements for skadate
Skalfa team where is my "VIP" status
Pat i happy you solved it!
After you was check server requirements for skadate
Skalfa team where is my "VIP" status
Pat i happy you solved it!
After you was check server requirements for skadate
Skalfa team where is my "VIP" status
The error behind the news feed issues is: General error: 1364 The "Like" field has no default
The error means that an additional custom Like field has been added to ow_base_comment_entity. This new field was not working properly, causing problems. The field could have been added by a third-party plugin or a third-party developer doing custom work for you.
Here's how we fixed it for now: ALTER TABLE ow_base_comment_entityCHANGElikes likes TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
Pat i happy you solved it!
After you was check server requirements for skadate
Skalfa team where is my "VIP" status