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Here are the new coding rules! | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20

In the old says when i secured my affiliate software, i did so by hashing the site name along with a special random key, this was done per customer.   This was placed inside the project in random places and also stored in the config table under a unassuming name.   If the script went to invalid license page (caused by file permission changes, config value removal, removal of security code inside the file, install on a different domain, deletion of database to try to break the site to find the security, and other reasons),  it did so in several steps so that no one could ever backtrace the page loads. 

Now with the console tools that is really harder than ever because all the requests are right there for everyone to see.

 But maybe somewhere down the line something unique will be possible.  I promise i wont let this collect dust, i will try to address this someday or get someone to do it that should do it.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 20 '20
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jun 20 '20

Quote from dave

Artmedia and Sergey, tell you what ill do out of respect.

First artmedia i will appove your two plugins with the understanding that you fix them by tomorrow, that is about 10 min worth of work.

artmedia and sergey, i wont suspend any more of your plugins if you bring them up to code by friday of this next week, that gives you a full week to do this. Which is plenty of time.  But if you do not then i will suspend all that are not changed all at once.

Does that sound fair ?

Hello dave,

You will not be able to suspend more of my plugins, because all of them have been already suspended. All at once. And I still trying to get the exact suspension reasons for each of them, to be able to solve the problems.

About the code rules:

Could you please clarify where these rules came from? Are they just your thoughts about how Oxwall plugins should be structured and coded or these are official Oxwall Core team recommendations?

At the beginning of the thread I noticed, that you are waiting these rules to be approved by someone. Who is the one who should approve these rules before they take force?

And also I need to mention that there is no such syntax in PHP:

$arr = array[1, 2, 'no', 'pain', 'no', 'gain' ];

These code will fail with parse error.

ArtMedia Jun 20 '20

Thanks SD, you understand what i have on mind, but dave probably not. I try again. When somebody stole plugin, first things what he do is checking install.php code and remove any callback, so only thing what you can do is hide callback function on plugin script, because he is lazy and dont check other code. My callback function is used only on installation and sometimes after big update plugin, only thing is that they is on other file than install.php. Why? because i dont want refactoring code on files in upgrade folder, so plugin don't have extra, unneccessary code, plugin size is maller, so this are profits. I don;t argue with rules that you can send only site url, site amil and license key, but i dont understand why this must be on install.php file, which is the first file, which stealer checking.

You want for us to resign wuth extra security layer, which can better proctect developers but dont offer anything on exchange. If oxwall store will be better protect us, then any callback function cant be written on code. Maybe this is solution. Create better security mechanism, when you check if one licenses = on plugin key (many users have many oxwall sites on one server ip, they violate OSCL license, but you dont anything with that, because you check ip server dont site url). When you create better security mechanism, they prohibit callback functions. And dave, Commercial Plugins on oxwall store don't open source code

I have some questions:

- Who approved this rules from oxwall Team? Maybe Oxwall Germany confirm that he approved this rules too, because now this is that as dave create some rules and now we must approved eveyrhing what he thinks. So maybe you create official oxwall document on oxwall wiki, where you writes who approved this rules. Rules should be result on consensus, consensus form oxwall team and developers. You write on idea open source, but you don't want hear voice from developers, you created rules without consulting it with us, you dont inform as about it (topic still have topic "propsed") and you started suspend plugins and the reason are "PROPOSED RULES", this is not fair, i spend many hour to develop good, quality plugins for oxwall and this actions cause that i fell that i want abandon oxwall, licenses don't sell as good as earlier and i try maintain my all plugins, so maybe if you on certain point suspend my all plugins then i abandon this project. But you harm my clients doing this action (and i write it again, only thing which are reason suspending my plugin is that callback function isn't on install.php plugin and i write what i do this), because nobody can modify my plugin code as it is protect by OSCL license.

- IF i start coding some php code using base64 and other function to protect my code and execute it using eg. eval() function you also supsend this plugins? This is other way which can protect my plugins, but you dont get clear php code, but some encoded string.

ArtMedia Jun 20 '20

Quote from Senior Developer

My honest opinion: I Dissagree on removing Licenses security extra layer,suspending free plugins and apply rules retroactively to existing plugins.

dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20

The initial issue was support, when we started doing this we suspended plugins that support was not being offered with unanswered requests.   So it may be that your plugins fell into that category. 

Just resubmit one plugin as is and we will have a look at it.

Most of the rules are approved, there are a few that are waiting for emils approval.  However, none of those effect the basics.

The rules are a combination of old rules and discussions among the team of bad habbits and lazyness that we have seen more and more of.  This is where they came from. Developers have been drifting away from the proper model for a long time. 

regarding array as of php 5.4 [] has been supported


That is because i am a blooming tired idiot, its not array[] its just []  i will correct that.

Ox Germany has not yet seen the newest version i was planning to send it to him today.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 20 '20
dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20
Yes Ox Germany has been involved the whole time, he is part of the team.
ArtMedia Jun 20 '20

Why you dont answer for all my questions?

- Why callback function must be on install.php file, which is first and on most cases only file, which check stealer before install pirated plugin. Why you don't allow "hide" security layer on plugin code, i don't understand this. Now what you want do is give pirates callback function on plate, now he know where search it and remove it, because you write this on PROPOSED oxwall coding rules.

- How oxwall team provide better security mechanism for developers if they require place function on install.php, write it open on forum, so pirates know where search this function? I dont understand this changes - file install.php (i understand what data can be send). This will cause that our plugins will be easy to pirate.

Dave do you understand what i have on mind or not?

The Forum post is edited by ArtMedia Jun 20 '20
ArtMedia Jun 20 '20

Quote from dave Yes Ox Germany has been involved the whole time, he is part of the team.

Can he confirm that he approved also this rules. Who else form oxwall team?
dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20

We cant edit the wiki yet. We are working on getting access but if not we will deal with it. 

I will ask ox germany to reply here, but i must say that for everything i have done you should really trust me.  Are you going to run to Ox Germany every time you dont like something.  He is available but he also expects you to trust me and put me in this position here for a reason.   This is like someone saying well mom said no so we will ask dad...  But i dont mind if he gets involved, i welcome it.  In the end its about what is best for all involved.

I will ask him to reply. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 20 '20
Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jun 20 '20

You told earlier, that all the rules were proposed, discussed and approved by the team

Sorry, but it is unclear what is the team you are speaking about?  Is it Moderation team or Oxwall Foundation or Core team or it is just random people joined together by the idea of making Oxwall better?

Don't you think that to trust/respect the decision made by this team we should know who is in the team.

I ask to sorry me in advance if I missed the information about the team and the team members are listed somewhere on the forum.

The Forum post is edited by Sergey Kambalin Jun 20 '20
dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20

The team that i know of is myself, oxwall germany, and emil.  There may be others, if there are i am not in that loop unless they are the other foundation members. But i did send ox germany the rules last week and he approved, i have made a few tweeks since then but nothing drastic other than my stupid array syntax screwup.  It could be that he is getting approval from above as well if there are others.  But he does agree with the standards. 

I believe we can be flexible but not to the extent that we are doing so just to avoid making someone mad and not maintain a respectable callback design which is currently install related information only during install.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 20 '20
David Jun 20 '20
And all of this is a moot point if the store doesn't even process our paypal info correctly and issue the license for the products we pay for... without trying to track down the developer and begging him to give me his or her plugin that I paid for 3 weeks ago. That's happened to me this year quite a few times.  It's bull$h*t... and the average customer/user doesn't trust buying from the store, no matter how good the developer is.  What you're doing is like trying to properly season a burnt steak.
Ken Jun 20 '20
The future of Oxwall will be only used for forum Purpose as developers are or will be discouraged to list their hard working plugins to a Oxwall store if these policies persists. Less sales developers I guess this is an experience how developers should always adapt to the upcoming changes this why more and more platform seems to be creating because the lack of something else so it’s kind of good for grandfather downloaders but bad for new downloaders as they will not have that free plugin that made a difference because it’s suspended and longer available so good luck...
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 20 '20

Can someone who speaks English as their mother tongue spend a bit of time reading the "OxWall license" and commenting on whether it is legal for a 999 USD price tag to be placed on the cover of oxwall.com?

Because if users are being lost, we are all losers.

I think this is much more important than what happens with plugins, if they are sold well the developers will do what is necessary.

David Jun 20 '20
Patricia makes a valid point.
dave Leader
dave Jun 20 '20
Ken this is your second warning about abusive posts, if you continue to verbally abuse others including me you will end up getting yourself suspended.  Calling people names is not acceptable behavior. I have removed your post.
The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 20 '20
Ken Jun 20 '20
I have no voice and or plugins here this is what the oxwall future looks like a communist sour
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 20 '20
Ken, change your strategy. You have to be positive, contribute ideas.
Ken Jun 20 '20
I’m always positive just sometimes I cannot hold the truth in, especially when it effects people like me that’s trying to make the best of their oxwall site but because people are so emotional these days and sensitive it’s “tell me what I want to hear not what I need to hear”  mindset so they focus on their emotions and not the main idea, the bigger picture, from someone else point of view hope this post makes it
The Forum post is edited by Ken Jun 20 '20
ArtMedia Jun 20 '20


Why you dont answer for all my questions?

- Why callback function must be on install.php file, which is first and on most cases only file, which check stealer before install pirated plugin. Why you don't allow "hide" security layer on plugin code, i don't understand this. Now what you want do is give pirates callback function on plate, now he know where search it and remove it, because you write this on PROPOSED oxwall coding rules.

- How oxwall team provide better security mechanism for developers if they require place function on install.php, write it open on forum, so pirates know where search this function? I dont understand this changes - file install.php (i understand what data can be send). This will cause that our plugins will be easy to pirate.

Dave do you understand what i have on mind or not?
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