What will happen to free plugins that were taken down if the developer is not interested in it anymore or if they don't even reply?
Here is my recommendation:
How about to let the free items that have no longer support still be in the store and just add a tag "There is no support from this developer, use on your own risk."
For example, the speed optimizer plugin still works great and does not need support, It was removed... so now unless I had a copy of it somewhere in an old hard drive, this plugin is gone and I will not be able to use it again, because the owner gave those for free so I don't think he wants to spend time and money just to comply with this new rules.
Or else, where can we find a copy of these plugins? There was no time for us to save a copy of some of them before they were taken down.
That just my tough, what will happen to free plugins and if we can get a copy of all of them before they go kaput.
Senior Developer.