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Code Whacker is doing review on Plugin's in the Oxwall store | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Why are you so anti Purus? I really want to know this as will members of the independent developers. Remembering a bad mathematical flaw was found in one of your plugins that was sold in the Oxwall Store. You stated that you had to redo the plugin.

As for being sued you need to talk to a legal adviser on that issue, then your understand why Oxwall and other software houses issue wavers and pass on the blame clauses.

My testing site is on the same host and set up exactly like my clients configuration.

I am now asking my self why are you anti this type of testing or the whole issue of some form of real quality control?   
Bob (Coder Whacker)
It is not okay to have a 50% - 80% good plugin ratio and a percentage of plugins that have problems. The developers here should not be used as your testing grounds. Basically that could be your problem concerning this anti-ness?  It leaves questions to be ask in my opinion.     
Bob (Coder Whacker)
i will be doing these reviews anyway and they will be honest and fair and plugin developers will be able to come and give defense.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
I will also be talking about this to Emil as basically some plugins being sold in the Oxwall store should be removed and its Oxwall that should be doing quality control, not Code Whacker.  i am very sure he will work hand in hand with me as he knows my honest approach to these sort of things. If I hit below the belt so be it. 
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 2 '13
shush Feb 2 '13
thanx Purusothaman Ramanujam & cit27

I hadn't thought of protecting children with it, and if site owner is clear on site about it, it could also act as a deterrent to cyber bullies. 


Unique do you monitor yr members PMs with or with-out their knowledge, or not at all and just have it as a deterrent?

again thanx for prompt replies.

Bob (Coder Whacker)
the main topic is
Code Whacker is doing review on Plugin's in the Oxwall store 

Please remember this is my topic and if you wish to converse with a plugin developer on a particular plugin please go do it on a relevant thread.

Bob (Coder Whacker)
Lets keep on topic please as i really hate flagging non relevant comment posts. 
Bob (Coder Whacker)
So what do you have to say about reviews? No red herring please as this is very important to those that are buying plugins from the Oxwall store.
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 2 '13
Unique Feb 2 '13
Bob, as a customer / user of plugins and did not understand well about the codes, then what you have to offer is very helpful to us even for plugin dev itself...this my opinion..but i dont know about oxwall plugin roles here!!! GTranslated
Bob (Coder Whacker)
The whole idea is to have plugin quality control as its all got out of hand when that happens unsatisfied customers need to put pressure on to make it so. Basically if you are a professional programmer the appeal to quality control should never be negative. The non processionals should not be selling anything in the store. The reason being is Oxwall is a professional designed package. Its own plugins are quality checked thanks for that Oxwall. When you buy their plugins you know the bugs will be took out by them and not you needing to go in changing scripts.

One thing that a badly programmed plugin can do is create CPU overload because its cron based hungry. There is lots of things that can go wrong, one plugin I tested even blocked users changing their password.

With these reviews of mine it will save developers wasting there time they will understand the flaws. But this should not be necessary as Oxwall should have been doing far better quality control on these plugins. I considered perhaps they do not have the staff so may love the idea of Code Whacker testing these plugins out and reporting the problems if any to the developer and to the Oxwall management.           
SL Feb 2 '13
How about the OSCL Team? and I read this:
5.1 Oxwall Foundation keeps the right to remove the goods that receive excessive negative feedback from users...(Not only the plugin developers that should be aktive, but also the customer should be active to report, to review, etc ....)
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Nice one Raden but is it working?
SL Feb 2 '13
I dont know well because i am newbe..but love this topic...as.. i want to use oxwall...

This is My Opinion

I believe you are well-intentioned, but if it does not reduce the developer I found that oxwall still  had little plugin developer ...Should we support the existing developers to be more creative in creating a variety of useful plugins as u said above... and fishing the others experts in the world to dedicate their code knowledgehere....
Hope you can understand my bad english
The Forum post is edited by SL Feb 2 '13
Bob (Coder Whacker)
No the idea would relate to only professional product being sold and non professional being free. This means the consumer is protected with professional support. Writing plugins should be open to any developer   
SL Feb 2 '13

Quote from Bob (Coder Whacker) No the idea would relate to only professional product being sold and non professional being free. This means the consumer is protected with professional support. Writing plugins should be open to any developer   

I aggree...I support the developers and I support what you have to offer to them..
Bob (Coder Whacker)
So should everyone Raden its totally fair to all concerned. Thanks 
SL Feb 2 '13
I wonder if no any dev are willing to accept your offer....
SL Feb 2 '13
But this is an opportunity to improve and enhance their reputation of your offer
Bob (Coder Whacker)
One all ready has and its the best plugin on offer on the Oxwall Store. The plugin did have a bug the developer fixed it and it will be updated shortly. We use it on Code Whacker totally solves the country location problem and worth more than the US$10 charged for its use. That is quality.   
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I totally support 100% for your time and effort for making reviews of the plugins.

But I disagree that I am totally against testing. I do lot of testing for my plugins before getting them live.

I have been saying that you are saying about that little math bug. This bug occurs only on a particular condition and not on all sites. That's why I asked you to provide your main site details. This is not out of my inability to test. But you totally misunderstood that and keep blaming me and my plugin for that reason. It is a bug to all, why not all users reported that. Its because it happens only in a particular situation.

My clients know about my quality and the support I provide to them. Just don't judge me with that one plugin. That does not look fair. But if you still consider me the same, I don;t care.

Nothing personal here between you and me.
Quote from Raden Should we support the existing developers

Support is welcome. But it does not mean you have to live with non-working plugins and bugs. If your find bugs or issues you are welcome to report to me as long as its constructive feedback instead of being accusive and blaming and so called threatening. Thats how I work and that's why my clients like me. I am not sure about other developers. Paul does good work too.

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