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Viral Share on Facebook to unlock pages - Advertising support | plugin

Viral Share on Facebook to unlock pages - Advertising support

8 images
Published Jul 21 '16

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Plugin title Viral Share on Facebook to unlock pages - Advertising support
Item published Senior Developer
Category Monetization, Social networking
Price $10
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page sharetounlock.codemonster.pro/blogs/post/1
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Share on facebook to unlock pages and go viral. Advertising, image and video embed code support. Fully responsive, mobile support. Fully customizable.

It is fully customizable, you can:
- Add your...
Share on facebook to unlock pages and go viral. Advertising, image and video embed code support. Fully responsive, mobile support. Fully customizable.

It is fully customizable, you can:
- Add your advertising code, youtube embed code or any html code.
- Change background color
- Change text color
- Edit texts in multilanguage
- Set the timeout
- Set how long is going to last the unlock before it is locked again for the same user.
- Set who is going to see this locked page, only guests, only users or all.

Is fully responsive, it works on:
- Mobile devices
- Tablets
- Laptops / Desktops.

It locks only in the most important pages, not in index, join, login neither lists. Only in the page of user profile, blog post, forum topic, etc... If you need to lock any other page just ask and I can add it for you.
You can set the timeout to 0 to make it unlimited, so the user is forced to share on facebook to see the page.

Doesn't support Adsense.

Demo: http://sharetounlock.codemonster.pro/blogs/post/1
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Customer reviews

Mian Naveed
This plug is not work

After upload of module, when i click over install pages goes to index and plugin not work. Please resolve problem.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Mian Naveed,
May 21 '17

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