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Random Users | plugin

Random Users

4 images
Last updated Mar 21 '17
Published Mar 9 '17

More items by this user

Display a floating menu for direct actions. Add Photo, Add Video, Add Blog, Add Group, New Message, Add Event. Test this plugin: 1 - Go to...
Oxwall, Skadate iOS, Android and Progressive Web App fully compatible. User Credits Compatible. Protect photos based on user roles. Blur photos and...
Add an upload button on console


Plugin title Random Users
Item published Senior Developer
Category Dating, Social networking
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro/
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
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Add random users widget to Main Page, Dashboard Page and Profiles pages, increments the visualization of old profiles and users that haven't come back in a long time.

This is useful, now the users ...
Add random users widget to Main Page, Dashboard Page and Profiles pages, increments the visualization of old profiles and users that haven't come back in a long time.

This is useful, now the users can see more profiles of other users without having to search or go to other pages. It is like a shuffle feature for profiles.

Displays profiles with avatar photo only.
Fully responsive support.
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Based on 1 reviews

Customer reviews

Perfect !

Good plugin !

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Jun 30 '19
