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Photos Watermark Pro | plugin

Photos Watermark Pro

8 images
Last updated Nov 11 '18
Published Sep 6 '16

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Plugin title Photos Watermark Pro
Item published Senior Developer
Category Integrations, Utilities
Price $25
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro/
License OSCL
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Add watermark image and/or text to uploaded photos. userUrl, userName, and displayName allowed to text configuration.
You can add image and text watermark at the same time.
Prevent other users from...
Add watermark image and/or text to uploaded photos. userUrl, userName, and displayName allowed to text configuration.
You can add image and text watermark at the same time.
Prevent other users from steal your pictures and your users pictures.

For security reasons this plugin is a must, usually the website owners need to add the user link to the photos automatically. With this plugin it is possible to do it.

It works on Newsfeed and *Photos plugin.

*Photos plugin needed.

Note: Everytime that a photo is uploaded in newsfeed or photos plugin, the watermark is added. The watermark is not added on old photos, only in the new ones.
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Based on 5 reviews

Customer reviews

Miss Nookie
Simple, and it works.

This is exactly what I was looking for, and about to have developed. It has several options, and is very customizable. I had some questions, and the developer was very quick to answer and also offer to add options that will make this plugin even better.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Miss Nookie,
Sep 8 '16
