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Reactions and Likes Pro | plugin

Reactions and Likes Pro

9 images
Last updated Jan 11 '21
Published Feb 27 '17

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Plugin title Reactions and Likes Pro
Item published Senior Developer
Category Interface, Social networking
Price $35
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro
License OSCL
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Adds the amazing Reactions feature to almost everything!
It works on Profile, Photos, Video, Events, Blogs, Forum, Virtual Gifts, etc.
It replaces the old "like" button on Newsfeed.
Oxwall Reaction...
Adds the amazing Reactions feature to almost everything!
It works on Profile, Photos, Video, Events, Blogs, Forum, Virtual Gifts, etc.
It replaces the old "like" button on Newsfeed.
Oxwall Reactions is the new feature to make your website looks like Facebook.
If you like the Facebook Reactions feature, then you are going to Love this Oxwall Reactions Plugin for your website.

Multilanguage support.
Customizable - The admin can replace the Images of every reaction, the text and the color of the reaction.

Includes an extra pack of 6 icons. You can replace the default icons with this new pack or upload your own icons.

If you already have the Newsfeed facebook style, and want to keep using that functionality, you can disable the new reactions button from newsfeed.
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Based on 5 reviews

Customer reviews

Sypa CC (Creative Fertile)
My Reaction: I like it ;)

Is this plugin a must have? This is up to you. The normal like button is also enough just to say "I like it". But if you want to have more different reactions you need this plugin. And you need it also if you want to have a feeling of facebook in your website. What is the advantage? Your members will accept your website easier because they know this system of expressing their opinion. Under these aspects this plugin is a must have. We like this plugin and it works really good on pc and mobile. Thanks for an awesome plugin.

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