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Removal reason with profile recover | plugin

Removal reason with profile recover

3 images
Published Jul 2 '17

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Plugin title Removal reason with profile recover
Item published Sergey Pryadkin
Category System, Utilities
Price $18
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
Before profile deletion user must mark the reason of it's removal.
Overall statistics why users delete their profiles, therefore you'll be able to discover and detect issues on your website.
In this...
Before profile deletion user must mark the reason of it's removal.
Overall statistics why users delete their profiles, therefore you'll be able to discover and detect issues on your website.
In this version i fixed and added several features (delete reason, multiple language support, edit reason label).
Also plugin has "Profile recover" feature. User will be able to restore the profile during one month after deletion.
Persons who bought old "Removal reason" or "Profile recover" plugin before, can get this plugin for free.
Just send me a private message, and i will grant it for you.
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Total product rate

Based on 1 reviews

Customer reviews

This is a Must Have!

Great Plugin. Does exactly what it says and it added a huge feel to my dating website. Now we can track any flaws with our dating system and fix them to keep more clients. Thank you for the great work!!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Dec 6 '17
