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Mail Clean Cron | plugin

Mail Clean Cron

4 images
Last updated Jun 16 '20
Published Jun 15 '20

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Plugin title Mail Clean Cron
Item published Patricia Zorrilla
Category System, Utilities
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.4
License OSCL
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Deletes conversations whose last message is before a given date, or that one of the two users is suspended or deleted.
Works with CRON.
You can adjust all the parameters.
Keeps statistics on how ma...
Deletes conversations whose last message is before a given date, or that one of the two users is suspended or deleted.
Works with CRON.
You can adjust all the parameters.
Keeps statistics on how many conversations, messages and attachments have been deleted and why.
Highly optimized and improved code, based on Mailbox Cleanup https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1636 which does not use CRON
It requires having the Messages plugin installed and active, if it is not, it does nothing and gives no errors.
If you already have a Mailbox Cleanup license https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1636 you can change it for a Mail Clean Cron license paying only the difference.
It supports all versions of PHP.
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Total product rate

Based on 2 reviews

Customer reviews

Bob Bob
Works perfectly.

As usual with plugins from this developer, this plugin works exactly as described. It functions exactly as expected, and I experienced no problems at all. I used it to remove 200,000 old conversations (over a year old), and it now runs continuously, removing outdated conversations and keeping the database from becoming too large.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Bob Bob,
Jun 25 '20
