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Darklets | theme


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Last updated Jul 26 '16
Downloads 1298
Published Jan 16 '13
Total downloads 5556

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Theme title Darklets
Item published Oxwall Software
Compatible with 1.8.4
Tags sidebar-right, dark
License The BSD License
Description The Darklets theme with sidebar
Total product rate

Based on 3 reviews

Customer reviews

Jobee Bendijo
This Theme Fixed My Problem

I was using a third party theme, and I couldn't figure out why my site was sluggish and maxing out my server CPU. I tried the Darklets theme & my problem was solved. My CPU load reduced by 75%! Thanks for knowing how to optimize! This theme is fast and looks pretty good too! This one gets a thumbs up from me.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 2 people

Jobee Bendijo,
Apr 9 '13
