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Do not buy anything from the fake soundchum folks | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
Folks, we believe that a fake soundchum is partly behind the illegal oxwall site, the ones that ripped off everyones plugins.  Fake Soundchum was contacting people by PM asking them to join the illegal site and asking them to use a special code.  

Ross terminated his account i believe last week.  

https://developers.oxwall.com/user/soundchum   they are suspended but they may contact you via PM or some other way from another email. 

Do not buy anything from the fake soundchum until we get more facts to help protect yourself. Every single theme that i have seen of theres has had serious issues and who knows what they have in their files. 

Protect yourself and just dont take the chance.  We believe that if they were not guilty then they would have replied by now to several requests and the fact that their account has been shut down.  So that just makes it appear that we were correct in our action. 


The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 8 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jul 7 '16
Please be careful with this topic, the only one thing for sure is that oxwall.com is the only one store that haves permisions of selling our plugins, so if you buy them in another place you will not be having updates, not support and you will be scammed because it will not work properly.

I think that dave is talking about another user with the nickname "soundchum" who is trying to scamm people.

The real soundchum is


And dave, please be careful with your topic, because if someone register with your nickname you don't want to be blacklisted just because he is using your nickname.

He also used the owvisuals nickname and the other scamm website.

dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
Hi yes i am trying to be delicate on this as i dont want to accuse the wrong person. But as you can see the account i listed is suspended and that is the account that was reported to me as sending out PM notices to people trying to get them to join the scam website. I saw the PM notice for myself, a user sent it to me because they thought it was fishy.  And that is the account that sent it, so that is why i used that account link for that user. 

I suggest if anyone else is using that name to stop because you will be confused with a scammer. 

Franz, i do not know who you bought the plugins and themes from, but if it was that account i listed then that store is closed and user suspened.  I would not expect any updates, and if someone does contact you then please immediately report it to myself or ross or the moderation team at moderation_team@oxwall.org as soon as you can and save anything they send you as evidence. 

They may create another account and try to push their products so as i said if they contact you on those plugins (assuming you got them from that account i listed) then report it right away.   


The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 7 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
ok thanks i will report it to ross to see what he wants to do with that account... thanks 

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jul 7 '16
Dave, it doesn't work that way, if somebody uses the company name "apple" to scamm people, you are not going to ask apple to change his company name.

The scammers hide behind a mask as a good and trusted user, it looks like he knows exactly how to do it all by himself without being catched.

dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
All i did was let ross know about the account, and let him decide.  I dont know whats going on who is good and who is bad, all i know is all i know.  Which i stated above, other than that i just let ross know any links and he does what he does, its out of my hands. 
OW-Ghost Jul 7 '16
block accounts is not help scammers stay away from oxwall or suspend accounts...you need better things to block them and stay away from oxwall...i can not come up with anything that could block someone stay out from oxwall this days if you smart you can go around everything for sign up with new account
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 7 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
there is not perfect solution, maybe they can do an ip list or a name list or a plugin list to block them but there are always way around that.  We have to have consumer reporting, we put out the alert or maybe a newsletter and then have users watch and report, thats the only way to really catch them every time. 

Even the reporting for whmcs software using the national reporting scam agency cannot catch them all so how is oxwall going to, only by user reporting. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 7 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 7 '16
2 things i know is best to have people not come back to your website is fingerprint device blocking and fingerprint browser blocking together and webcam verify process, but they not 100% perfect system only like 95% secure system there is no perfect system i think for this but best i know for community sites block people from come back again. and oxwall need a plugin like this i hope there will bee one released :)

Cupid dating sites have fingerprint blocking you can test it if you want :)I have test it already, It hard come back after been blocked but it is a way go around it if you really smart but it took my long time figure it out and probably many hade give up and not analyze it like i did :)I like solve problems :)

Can someone create a fingerprint plugin for oxwall :)) I really want that...i talk with a developer already and he tell me he will take a look at it :)

A cam verify plugin would bee cool to but not so much cool like a fingerprint blocker plugin :)

I feel like a totally nerd now when i speaking but it is nice new things that is best out now for block people

email and ip blocking is a old system block people thats why i stopped use email verify on my website it is to easy break that system and ip to and sms verify easy break to. there is so many free sms service to use and phone numbers out on internet...maybe i should not tell that ...anyways hope for more future blocking system here at oxwall soon that are not complicated like need download a app and sign up with another app for get a code

okey maybe i out of the topic like always :)

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 7 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
There are also ip listes that have been compiled and  contributed by hosting companies as well as individual small hosts, however with that some good people get blocked too but its a chance you have to take. 
Anitaku Jul 7 '16
Maybe this is a good chance for oxwall to step up and actually set up a proper moderation system as well as improve the store to work better for both developers and consumers making safe practice more obvious and using the official store more rewarding to purchase plug ins and themes.

They need to reboost their staff activity which can easily be done by assigning a few new moderators of different levels of skill to handle particular areas. 

If they're more transparent and involved with their customers, the more everyone will contribute to oxwalls cause by either building/fixing the core and faulty plug ins, or by spreading the happy word of oxwalls service and general public relations. 
The Forum post is edited by Anitaku Jul 7 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
+1 Phil W
dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
SD i modified the title, i just got what you were saying, sorry i misunderstood before.  I did not realize that when you said real soundchum that you meant they were a real store company and not fake.  sorry, i have edited the title to say fake soundchum... 

Also when i posted that i did not know there were two with similar names. Now i do but still i let ross know the link so he can do what he wants with it. 

If the real soundchum is real and not fake and are good people then of course i apologize for that. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 8 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
could be, i would like to know what ross says.  I get the feeling ross suspended that other account, the fake one because it was a fake.  Maybe the one that SD shows is a real one, i hope so and i hope i didnt hurt their business by all the confusion. 
OW-Ghost Jul 8 '16
"Wild Western" i call oxwall store and it is....

Just take a look at you profile here Dave i know you are a good man and would not implement any bad code or run away and not care support you plugin BUT what i not like with all this developers that they can bee anonymous and put up avatars that are fake and there is no contact information about them and they profiles no need pass any webcam verify process nothing.

It is to easy bee a anonymous developer here that later can run away when he feels he want change to a new profile or bored updating his plugins or just want get quick money for a short time.

Yes better control from moderation team and no anonymous developers allowed on the store then it is not so fun to get quick money or scam someone when people know more about that developer his name country he stay and a photo off him.

If seriously developer then he have nothing to hide and should not bee scared show who he is...bee proud who you are and stop bee scare someone will kill you if you are a good develeoper you not need bee scare anything look oxwall team some of they profiles have real name and real pictures it should bee same with other developers here. if you sell something not bee anonymous that look very bad in my eyes

It is not possible post a app on apple store or play store anonymous same should bee with plugins hard rules so we can have more SAFE store

In the end oxwall team people and skalfa people can always go around this harder rules if they want and create fake profiles and nobody would notice it...so the last thing you should ask you self do you trust oxwall and skalfa 100%


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 8 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
Marcus i understand your concern but Oxwall is no different than any other open source project when it comes to developer validation, thats why its called open source. Do you see video cam approval for wordpress, no.  It is the chance you take with open source.  You are more than welcome sir to pay for a script then you know employees code it. 

You cant have it both ways folks, who is going to pay for all that technical stuff?   You take the same chance with running wordpress than you do with oxwall.  You cant have a 5 star project on a penny budget folks.  I am impressed with the oxwall project because it has alot going for it and has true potential. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 8 '16