2 things i know is best to have people not come back to your website is fingerprint device blocking and fingerprint browser blocking together and webcam verify process, but they not 100% perfect system only like 95% secure system there is no perfect system i think for this but best i know for community sites block people from come back again. and oxwall need a plugin like this i hope there will bee one released :)
Cupid dating sites have fingerprint blocking you can test it if you want :)I have test it already, It hard come back after been blocked but it is a way go around it if you really smart but it took my long time figure it out and probably many hade give up and not analyze it like i did :)I like solve problems :)
Can someone create a fingerprint plugin for oxwall :)) I really want that...i talk with a developer already and he tell me he will take a look at it :)
A cam verify plugin would bee cool to but not so much cool like a fingerprint blocker plugin :)
I feel like a totally nerd now when i speaking but it is nice new things that is best out now for block people
email and ip blocking is a old system block people thats why i stopped use email verify on my website it is to easy break that system and ip to and sms verify easy break to. there is so many free sms service to use and phone numbers out on internet...maybe i should not tell that ...anyways hope for more future blocking system here at oxwall soon that are not complicated like need download a app and sign up with another app for get a code
okey maybe i out of the topic like always :)