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I'd Like To Create A Full Bootstrap Theme | Forum

OW-Ghost Dec 26 '16
Im do not know anything about bootstrap and i really mean anything at all.

Could someone explain what the advantage is to use bootstrap against "normal" oxwall themes?

I guess bootstrap is only good for programmers and coders not for amatuers that do not know anything about php or html code?

Would bee nice see a demo website with skadate or oxwall software and bootstrap installed 


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Dec 26 '16
Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 1 '17
Darryl, Marcus, it works wonderfully with Oxwall.

The point of using it is to get a more consistent overall look and feel, to tighten up the CSS, and to draw plugins and pieces create by multiple different people together.

It can be done with other options.

For me, though, bootstrap has everything needed, and it's clean and flat.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 1 '17
True. Bootstrap has several predefined classes that makes a good starting point for styling.  As I mentioned, there are only a handful of adjustments that needed to be made related to the box sizing. Several Oxwall classes are used by developers, so they would need to remain. In some of those cases Bootstrap doesn't seem to have a huge impact. With the cdn loaded, I have been playing with rows, and columns, and few other features. Mostly by using inspect element to see what the effect of adding the class would be.
Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 4 '17
Darryl, by using some js, it's relatively easy to combine Oxwall and Bootstrap classes, to make things even more consistent:




Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 4 '17
Yea. I've done that. I was just "firing for effect" by inserting the classes, and divs using inspect element. I used some js to take the ow_main _menu class out of the picture for the sidebar push menu I installed for bootstrap. The ow_main_menu was interfering a bit with the styling it was pulling in.
I played with different col sizes with sm, and md. They are used in bootstrap media queries. The sm is for small screens, where md is for medium sizes like tablets. There are others as well. I think xs, lg. The breakpoints are predefined for the CDN, but there is a feature to customize a download of bootstrap to modify several of the predefined settings.
Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 6 '17

I think it's been worth it for me and my project. I am very comfortable in the format.

Kechlimparis Athanasios
@Darryl B, @Miss Nookie, 

Hello guys, I m reading your topic carefully, while I m already playing with bootstrap and an oxwall theme right now.

Bootstraping effectively an oxwall theme is on my mind since I 've been using the Skadate Master X , never did something great though..

I m so happy I found this post.. :-) I don't have much time but I d like to join/reinforce your efforts by sharing my work on the way..

Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 9 '17
@Kechlimparis This board is not SkaDate site friendly, or I'd post here more often.

I started with this on an oxwall site, but I've been working with it on a SkaDate site. Unfortunately, SkaDate has almost non-existent service, and therefore a deserted forum.

I wish there were better options.
IntrigU Jan 9 '17
@Miss Nookie will you be publishing the theme on oxwall store when it's ready? We will definitely be interested in purchasing it.
Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 10 '17

Quote from IntrigU @Miss Nookie will you be publishing the theme on oxwall store when it's ready? We will definitely be interested in purchasing it.

No. At least that's not in my plans. My site is growing fast (we've topped 6,000 people in less than 3 months), and that's where my focus lies.

Ebenezer Obasi has a Bootstrap Plugin, though, which gives you a good base. It's entirely possible he will ass more or create a theme.
Kechlimparis Athanasios

Quote from Miss Nookie @Kechlimparis This board is not SkaDate site friendly, or I'd post here more often.

I started with this on an oxwall site, but I've been working with it on a SkaDate site. Unfortunately, SkaDate has almost non-existent service, and therefore a deserted forum.

I wish there were better options.
Nookie, I was talking about my intention to develop stuff for the free community version of Oxwall and not Skadate Master of course.. by the way that X was my mistake, I mean version 9.3.3114 v  which is no supported anyway..

As for their service you are sooo true..

Anyway I 'm new to oxwall, still checking the php code part mainly just to get a grip. I' m working with Codeigniter or codeigniter based php frameworks mainly..PHP is my thing. I am not a good designer. No way..

Ebenezer Obasi did great job I ve tested his plugins..

Anyway I just wanted to say I was glad to find your helpful post guys, thanks a lot :-)


Miss Nookie
Miss Nookie Jan 11 '17
You are very welcome.
Kechlimparis Athanasios

Quote from Ebenezer Obasi I forget to add some glyphicons here and there... Maybe in the next one...

@Ebenezer Obasi 

First of all I 'd like to thank you for your contribution and your free plugins. I appreciate that. And congratulations for your personal website.

Now about glyph icons, I was thinking of various ways to use them in front of menu item labels. 

One could be using Javascript .addclass method ( as you suggested above ). 

Then I thought that another way to alternate a set of desired fontawasome class name values for each menu item could be using the {cycle} function- of Smarty's engine inside the template file itself:

   - /public_html/ow_plugins/bootstrap/views/components/menu.html  ( view file )

of your plugin. By supplying the 'assign' attribute, the output of the {cycle} function can  be assigned to a template variable instead of being output to the template.

So I tried this , and seems to work fine for me : 

<ul class="{$class} nav navbar-nav clearfix">

{foreach from=$data item='item'}

{cycle values='fa fa-home fa-fw,fa fa-th-list fa-fw, fa fa-users fa-fw, fa fa-camera-retro fa-fw, fa fa-video-camera fa-fw,fa fa-calendar fa-fw' assign='faclass'}


<li class="{$item.class}{if !empty($item.active)} active{/if}">

<a href="{$item.url}"{if $item.new_window} target="_blank"{/if}>

<i class="{$faclass}"></i>





Of course having your Fontawsome plugin installed is essential.

Any other suggestions are welcome..

The Forum post is edited by Kechlimparis Athanasios Jan 12 '17
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