Some people take advantage when you post you URL adress in public i suggest Christine you never do that in this forum because you will never know who want to make something bad to you.
And Christine you did post you URL in public again in you pictures just a advice
Why did you not block "him" the first time he write something bad?
I never understand "this" people that spend all they time for make problem for others, they must have a head problem and never have any success in they life.
I was looking the pictures someone is very poor and need money on a stupid way, a very stupid guy or girl that try sell plugin on other oxwall websites most stupid i ever seen in my life i should guess he is 14 years old not more....Loool
But when he read this and he probably doing right now i can tell him he not older then 12 maximum 14 years old the way he try sell plugins is a shame for entire business
I know who did this but i will not tell who did on this website i keep that for my self, i not stupid when i see the pictures and if you smart you will understand ...
The front page is looking no good thats why i asking you....bee careful who you hire on oxwall some take advantage that you can not do things you self and make you loosing big money...hire people only on upwork.com so you can refund you money if you not happy with his work. NEVER hire someone private ONLY if you 100% sure you can trust that guy or girl and that is not many you can do that with this days on internet....i trust only my self
Och posta inte din URL online du är som en öppen bok för människor som vill sälja massa plugin till dig eller skada din hemsida.