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Plugin Pricing | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Nov 22 '16
Ladies and Gents :)

Lately i have noticed that some of the plugins now being purchased are the higher priced plugins.  This concerns me because for years now i have kept my pricing low in order to satisfy the need of users here at Oxwall which cant afford high priced plugins. 

And now i see that the trend is moving towards those plugins.  Basically since i have a business here, if you are willing pay more then ill charge more. 

Some of you have mentioned to me in the past that some of my plugins are too low and they should be more expensive because they are worth it.  

I would like to get some feedback from Oxwall users here about your feeling on this.  I am not going to change my prices right away, i would like to get some feedback first because that is the right way to do this. 


Dave :)

David Nov 23 '16
If they can afford to purchase plugins (and themes) at that crazy elevated price... more power to them.  However... if everyone raises their prices... A lot of us will have to bug out.... and look for another platform.  This is an investment... we don't just grab ONE plugin or the free plugins.... Most of us have at least 20 or 30 of them... some have even MORE.  Now... if EVERYONE we purchase from raises their prices... what will that do to Oxwall?  I personally think that for what these higher priced plugins are... it's not worth the price.  Unless they sing, dance and cook bacon and waffles for me in the morning... no ONE plugin is worth 50 or 60 dollars.  That's just greedy BS.
dave Leader
dave Nov 23 '16
Thats how i was feeling for the past couple of years too David (i mean the importance of keeping prices affordable).  Now those purchases might be some people from the OTHER platform who have more expendable income or more capital to spend because that is a larger investment, i dont know.  
dave Leader
dave Nov 23 '16
alex if i had a dime for every piece of software in my business i ever purchased that either went belly up, failed to support, sold to someone else that changed the rules, or some other issue.  I would have a whole lot of dimes....  its just the business and it affects everyone not just you and not just Oxwall.   
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 23 '16
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Nov 23 '16
Tell me about it, i mean if developers were as helpful as others price would not be an issue for some of us but now you think twice before spending $50 because you don't know if the developer will go rogue like others who abandoned the plugin.
dave Leader
dave Nov 24 '16
So for $10 is it fair to expect a lifetime of support and updates, regardless what others do or dont do?  The good have to suffer because of the acts of the bad?
dave Leader
dave Nov 24 '16
That is your opinion marcus. My customers love my work, customer service, and support.  You certainly have alot to say marcus about my business and my loyalty to customers when you are not even a customer of mine and you really have no idea about what i do and when.  
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 24 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 25 '16
Marcus you know nothing about my plugins, please do not comment on things you know nothing about.  Why is it that every post i make you think you have the right to comment on things you know nothing about and try to trash me as a developer.  I would appreciate it if you no longer commented on any of my posts. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 25 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 25 '16
You dont know marcus, you are not my customer.  And i dont feel the need to go round and round with you over this personal issue you have with me every time i make a post. I will start flagging you for abuse pretty soon. 
dave Leader
dave Nov 25 '16
M and J,  thanks for the feedback, yes i have noticed the same thing.  And yes i feel it will hurt Oxwall as well if they dont keep their prices affordable. 
David Nov 26 '16
Perfect example of GREEDY PRICING....


$20.00 for a Profile Views Counter widget.  Seriously?  I don't care who you are... that's BS.  Counter codes have been around since the 90's... FREE.  And because it's Oxwall, and you're a dev... you think you can gouge us for 20 bucks... for this tiny little widget which is likely 15 lines of code... that doesn't do CRAP except count hits to a profile... and lets you adjust the number.  Whoopie. 

Oxwall is starting to look like a store full of low-quality, high priced rip-offs. 
dave Leader
dave Nov 26 '16
Chris - i have not done this however i think just from my experience here that it appears to be a by developer situation not by plugin price.  A good developer will give great service and quality regardless of price, where a bad developer will not either way.  I dont know of a current developer right now that gives less support for less expensive paid and more for more expensive paid plugins.   It really seems to be a "on or off" deal where you either get good across the board or bad across the board. 

I know that my FREE plugins i dont focus tons of time on, they are more of a gap filler when i have nothing to do i will update them, or if its a functionality issue i will do so right away. But they do get less time than paid plugins.

David - each developer has their own process by which they decide on final price.  I will have to let SD reply to your post as its his plugin in referrence. 

Folks, i made a commitment to you all years ago that i would cap my plugin prices at no more than $30, and i do plan to keep that commitment to you going forward.  Its just challenging sometimes to see expensive plugins $50 - $75 - $99 selling all the time with what seems to be no issue at all.    

Maybe competition is the answer?  Not to be cut throat because im not, but good competition is healthy for any market.  


The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 26 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
Hi everyone,

That's right Dave, competition is the answer, better developers making better plugins with better faster support make Oxwall Store a better place.

David, you are getting what you pay for, if you want or need a cheap plugin without support, without more free features, without good TOS, and without compatibility with mobile and next Oxwall versions, then maybe my plugins are not for you.

I'm making Good Quality Plugins, and all my work worth the price.

You can see what you are getting for the $20 USD here


If you have any other question, please feel free to ask anything.

Senior Developer

dave Leader
dave Nov 26 '16
Here is what concerns me about being too competitive SD.  

If we start developing current similar plugins to compete with each other, there is a certain developer that can (i dont know if they will or not but they can) as they have done before, offer their plugins for free.  This is because they have a primary successfull income stream already set up.  The plugins for them are just a secondary income stream.

So if we push the competitive thing too hard we could be shooting ourselves in the foot by having to eventually make everything free.  I have to make something doing this, i am disabled and this is my only source of income at the moment. Even as little as i make its something to be able to justify doing all the work. 

So do we take that chance at forcing the issue or do we just keep the status quo and not tread on each other idea wise.  I know that competition can be very healthy but i am worried about the actions of others who might take it too seriously.  

David Nov 26 '16
SD - It's a glorified counter....wrapped in an ugly widget... and any way you justify it... it's not worth $20.00 bucks.  It's a $5 buck widget that counts page hits....and likely has 12 lines of code.  For that, you try to gouge us out of $20.00 bucks, and I think that's bull$h*t.  Period.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16

David, I disagree with you, you only need a shitty views counter and I get it, my plugin is more than that, it is simply not for you. I invite you to make your own 12 lines plugin that does the same than mine and put it for free in the store. (Competition is good, remember?)

Dave there is already a plugin in the store that does exactly what is doing my plugin, the price is higher, the customers complains for the lack of response from the developer and it looks like the plugin doesn't work anymore.
I'm not making the same plugins that you are doing and that is never my intention, so you are safe on that, I'm just remaking old dead plugins with better support and more features, the plugins that the people really need.
People keep asking for someone who solve all the issues with puru's plugins, so, if there is no competition, they will be in their own, and that's not good for oxwall.There is this "Patreon" thing, that you can get money from people that like your work and want to support you, maybe you need to take a look at it.

If there is other developers that can make the same plugin's I did for a better price, better support, more features and fulfill all the requirements, then where are they? we need such plugins right now, not tomorrow. For me it is ok. As I already told to David, if he need a shitty plugin then he need to wait until someone else make that shitty plugin with shitty TOS, shitty support, and buy it for a shitty price.

David Nov 26 '16
Your plugin is MORE than a counter? Gimme a break.  So you can alter the hit numbers.  Big deal.

What kind of "support" does one need on a counter?  I mean, c'mon... be real.  It either counts or it doesn't.  And if it doesn't, then you should support it a ANY price.  I need to pay EXTRA for "superior support" on a flippin' COUNTER?

Who are you kidding, man?  I've paid less for themes...and other plugins that do a hell of a lot more than this thing... and they look a hell of a lot better, too.

"Who Viewed Me"...  shows the avatars of the people who viewed my profiles... the time they visited... and it's at least attractive.  Oh... yeah, and that's free.  And it's free.  Did I mention it's free?

So YOURS displays a tiny number in a small font... and you can adjust the hit numbers... okay... so it's worth a little more for that feature.  5 bucks.  Maybe 10 bucks... TOPS.  But $20.00 dollars!? 

You're a scalper, man.  Oh, that's right... but for that money you get "support".  Well.. if you're an honest developer and your shit works... we shouldn't need it.  And I've gotten AWESOME support from developers at the $10.00, $5.00 and "FREE" levels, too. 

So you're just making excuses to hawk a plugin that does very little, for a BIG price. And for that, you lost my respect as a consumer and as a web developer.

Good luck with that.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
This is the last time I answer to you.

You are buying all the extra features that I'm going to add in the future (I already told you that but it seems that you don't care). If in a next oxwall version my plugin stop working, I will keep updating it, the mobile version is different than the normal version (you can ask to dave if you want to).

Maybe you as a web developer should make all your work for free to all your customer's, charge $0 and give them free support all the time. That´s cool right?

There is no excuses here, you need a 5 dollars or free plugin, this plugin is not for you. I'm not changing the price.

Thank you, have a good day.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
David Nov 26 '16
"You are buying all the extra features that I'm going to add in the future..."

and again.. I call "bullshit".   That's like saying:

"If you buy this car with no wheels, brakes or motor today... you'll be paying for what I plan to add in the future, so it'll be worth it because... ONE day... I'll give you all those features...". 

Yeah.. right.  That's a bullshit way to sell a plugin.  And you know it.
dave Leader
dave Nov 26 '16
SD just to clarify i was not referring to you, im not concerned about you making the same plugins as i do. I was referring to another developer and i hope you know who i was referring to.  

My concern (to clarify) was that lets say that we start hitting the high priced plugins to give them some competition and make a plugin that has similar functions but for a lessor price.   That developer (again the one you know of that does plugins as a second income) could drop all their plugins to free (or close to it) because they really dont need the income from that part of their business.  

That means that as developers we have a choice, we can maintain our prices and see what happens with sales or we can make them free too. I cant offer all of my plugins for free.  I wish i could and if i were financially able to i would certainly entertain that idea.  

Yes i agree SD that customer loyalty goes beyond price, if they like you, like your work, get along with you, respect you, then yes they will buy from you regardless what else is happing in the marketplace.   This is true in car sales, insurance sales, any kind of sales actually.  

However i dont know how true that is in this kind of market, i would like to think it was true with all the wonderful comments i have received.  But i have also experienced other markets such as this "type" where customers can be swayed for a tiny fraction of a dollar.  Maybe after a few more years of doing this i can be able to determine the true loyalty factor here in this specialized market. 

Sorry i was not clear before, but i really was not thinking of you when i said that :)

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