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Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
Yes Dave, I get it, when I did the smileys alternative, they didn't owe the smileys plugin, they bought it from the previous developer and put it for free, or at least is what they said.

My intention is not getting them mad or making a bad store or the highest prices, my intention is to give my customers the plugins they deserve. They can do it for free because they are getting income from their main business. But I don't.

If I charge 5 usd i will not be able to keep it updated, give them more features, and answer their questions as others are doing right now. That's simple math. Not enough sales and keep losing money is not the real answer, that's why developers keep leaving the store and you know it.

If others think that they deserve my plugins for free, and they can make them, I'm ok with that too.

David, how about this? I put the price I want, you are not the target.

Please keep waiting or make your own product.

That's a better answer for you?

dave Leader
dave Nov 26 '16

Plugins for $5.00 or less might as well be free IMO.  IMO the reason is that alot of people wont even bother messing with a sale of less than $5.00, its more paperwork and hassle than its worth.  And once the merchant takes their cut of the sale then its really better to just do it for free.   

The only time i have ever in my life bought anything online less than $5.00 was a wristband for $.60 including shipping. And the whole time im doing the process im thinking why am i doing this for a measley .60 cents.  But i really needed the product and it turned out to be exactly what i needed.   

I know that when i price my plugins i do so thinking of long term relationships in mind. I think about if its something i should offer as a "loss leader"


in the hope that other sales develope from it. 

I also think about long term income, is this something that can be around for awhile and can provide income over the long term at a lower price, or is this a feature that is here today and gone tomorrow. This effects the price because eventually if the feature is no longer needed it will have to be offered for free at some point because sales are very limited at such time. 

 So "if" im going to charge for it, i start at $6.00 and go up from there.  I will be quite blunt and honest here, i wish i had known my GIF uploader was going to be as popular as it has been because i would have liked to have alittle bit for it.  If i had even gotten alittle for it, i would be in a whole different place financially and could offer even better prices on my stuff now.  But on the other side of that coin, that loss leader did eventually turn into new sales and it does make me happy that people really like it.  So i consider that fact as well.  

Some of my plugins were not that hard to do, and some of them were incredibly difficult for me to accomplish and took a long time because im not the same quick thinker and good at seeing things from 30,000 feet as i used to be.  And i also price those accordingly.  

Thats much of how i do it.. 

Yes SD i know thats why alot of devs leave the store, they lose money.  

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 26 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
Dave, there is patreon.com where you can start making whatever you like to do and people start supporting you with a monthly income.

Maybe you should take a look at it to try to get extra income from your free plugins and free support in the oxwall forum.

Marcus, Thank you for your support, skadate customers are my priority #1.

dave Leader
dave Nov 26 '16
Sorry SD i didnt catch that before sorry, yes i will have a look.   

Actually one thing i was sort of wanting to do or at least get started one day, is to set some of my software up as open source GPL or the likes of.  And then just get donations to make it better.  At least that way in the end when im gone from this world one day the software wont die with me, it will just go on to someone else that can keep it alive and improving it, thats the thought anyway. 

David Nov 26 '16

"David, how about this? I put the price I want, you are not the target.

Please keep waiting or make your own product.

That's a better answer for you?"

No.  But it's at least a more honest statement than "you're paying me now for features I will be adding in the future"... because... dude... that's just laughable excuses.  :-)

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Nov 26 '16
Not excuses, you are not a real client to me. You wish I did this plugin for you, but I didn't. I'm not lowering the price just because you want to. You are not getting free stuff from me. You cannot even tell the difference between the Mobile version and a responsive website LOL. ...and you call yourself a web developer... lol that's really funny. Go and make your shitty 5 bucks plugin with exactly 12 lines of code and I will buy a license, I swear. Don't forget to add good TOS, Mobile support, free support, more free features and free updates. Let me know when you are done. Thank you.
The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Nov 27 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 27 '16
Marcus, you are not my customer nor are you a Oxwall customer, so i really dont feel any need to answer anything you say from here on out.  Your abusive nature will no longer be a part of my day.
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 27 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 27 '16
I have no problem in answering questions for my customers, but you are not my customer, not anymore you are not. I have rescended your license for personal abusive behavior for which you have attacked me over and over again with no cause to do so.  So i suggest you go back to the default captcha plugin because mine will no longer work on your site. 

This unprovoked action from you in the past and recently i feel has cost me business and so I will take it under advisement wether or not i refund your money to you or not.  

I decide who i do business with marcus, and i refuse to do business with you.  Stew on that for awhile and next time think about things before you are abusive to anyone.  And just so you are aware i have every right to keep your money since you cost me business. 

If you had not tried to be such an incredible jerk and cost me business with your constant lip service about me then i would have no problem returning your money to you.  But i reserve the right to keep that money if your actions harm my business and my ethical character. 

Furthermore if i find out that you are using a copy of my plugin illegally, i will have my attorney draw up papers against you (yes he can do so where live as well) for no less than $5000.00 due to the fact that i feel you have compromised my integrity and my license.  So i suggest marcus that you just delete my plugin and forget about doing anything else other than that.  

Have a nice day marcus..  

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 28 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 27 '16
It is not just this discussion and it is not just this one time.  You have been abusing me and harrassing me for weeks now on just about every post i make.  And mainly because you are tammys little puppet. 

You have called me so many abusive names i lost count.  I have no issue with my customers tactfully talking to me about issues in which i have done so with proof.  There is a huge difference markus between asking questions or an opinion, and actively seeking me out to abuse me.  And this is why i did what i did, not because you ask a simple question and not because you shared an opinion, but because you have been seeking me out for weeks now with your only intention to defame me and my business. 

I offer quality products at an affordable price and my customers have no issues.  If they do then we work together to solve those issues.  You deal is not an issue, your deal is just simple abuse and i have had enough of it. 

As i said your on notice marcus, you best back off before your account is termed and you lose all those plugin keys you have.  You have no reason to talk to me, i have no reason to talk to you.  Do not mention my name in your posts.  

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 27 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 27 '16
lol chris your so right, thanks for reminding me.  I did give him his money back just to get rid of him from my life.  I was already going to log in today and do so anyway.  But when i saw the dispute it gave me a choice to fight it or refund it. All you merchants know how it works.  I could have fought it and won easily however just to be done with the matter and be done with marcus "i decided" not paypal and not marcus, i decided to just be done with it and give it back.   The buyer gets the message that the case was decided in their favor but "i" decided to give it back, paypal had no decision in this, it was me. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 27 '16
David Nov 27 '16
"im out of here...."

One can only hope.
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Nov 27 '16
skadate candy store........REALLY ?

Come now, Dave just ignore...Infact don't answer we have other issues we shoul be working on solving not arguing over things that take out time.
dave Leader
dave Nov 28 '16
+1 Webster
Daniel Jan 3 '17
I am one of those "high price" developers maybe. :)
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jan 3 '17
LOL.....True Daniel.....I think start small and have many plugins you will make more money that way with many plugins instore. I have few ideas i wanna share with you regarding plugin ideas and improvements of which some developers miss out on and i think you will nailed it because most developers make the same plugins with different features, let me know if you're keen.

Quote from Daniel I am one of those "high price" developers maybe. :)

The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Jan 3 '17
Daniel Jan 3 '17
Hi Webster, what ideas do you have, please tell me. i am very excited about new ideas.
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jan 3 '17
Hi Daniel,

I will inbox you now
JM Ruas
JM Ruas Jan 16 '17
Lots of people trying to earn money because the Oxwall volunteers offer all the code for free...
The Forum post is edited by JM Ruas Jan 16 '17
Steve Jan 20 '17
Well I can see nothing has changed

I have been away from the forums for a while for a couple of reasons...Don't get me wrong there are a few good people here like Dave and Ross they do try to help a lot.

But my biggest reason for not being here lately is I bought a plug in approximately 4 or 5 months ago for $20 which I thought at the time was a fair price but I had come to find out it has a major bug in it and when I brought the problem up to the Dev. that had rewrote it from a previous Dev. all he did was lower the price to $12. What is funny about the whole thing is the same bug was in the original plugin...But at least that Dev. helped people to fix it where the Dev. that is claiming it to be his today is just sitting back making money off his crappy plugins that don't work.

I also filed a complaint with oxwall since at the time this Dev was also part of the oxwall team, but yet I never got any support...The only one that tried to help resolve this was Dave.

So basicly what I am saying is I do not like to get ripped off. Once I do I don't trust anyone even third parties associated with that organization...It will take an aweful lot to convince me to by from the oxwall store again.

The Forum post is edited by Steve Jan 20 '17
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 20 '17
@Steve. Just curious. I noticed that the comment editor had an update after your issue. I was just wondering if you had tried the updated version. No one had commented in the item forum as to whether the update corrected the issue, or not.
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