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Avatar required BUG? | Forum

Marcus Jul 8 '17
I have avatar set as required on sign up page YET I am not sure how I get a ton of users awaiting activation showing without the avatar how did they manage to create account without uploading a picture????
David Aug 20 '17
I have the same problem using 1.8.4. (10800) In the Registration area of Admin I set Avatar upload to: display and set required: However, users 1 of 20 add an avatar whereas the other 19 sit on my site without ever adding an avatar.  Soon the site becomes a location with an overwhelming number of "no" avatar user.  How do you require users to create an avatar during registration because the current is not working?  My next consideration was to find some plug-in that would require users to upload an Avatar or get restricted from using the site, this did not exist.  Therefore any help you can provide would be appreciated. 
The Forum post is edited by David Aug 20 '17
Marcus Aug 21 '17
It would be great if there was a way to force users to upload avatar some like required profile question pop up.
The Forum post is edited by Marcus Aug 21 '17
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Aug 22 '17

I uploaded a plugin to the store that prevents the user to use the website if they have no avatar and forces them to upload their avatar. It will be available soon, I'm awaiting the moderation team to approve the plugin so you can see it in action. It works on Oxwall Mobile version, Oxwall Web Browser version and Both Skadate Mobile and Browser versions.

I will let you know as soon as my plugin is approved.

Thank you.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Aug 22 '17
Cesar Leiva
Cesar Leiva Aug 22 '17
Wow it'd be great senior developer :)
Marcus Aug 23 '17
Can't wait to get my hands on that plugin.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Sep 8 '17


New plugin available in the store:


It forces the user to upload their avatar, you can go to the demo site create a new account without photo, the website now forces you to upload a photo to continue after registration, if you already have a picture and go to edit, delete avatar photo and save, clic on any menu option and you will be forced to upload the picture again. It is compatible with Oxwall and Oxwall Mobile version. Please read the plugin's description, if you have any questions  start a new discussion on the plugin's support area.

Senior Developer.

Marcus Sep 9 '17
Great news looking forward to get my hand on it.