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Force Avatar Photo Upload | plugin

Force Avatar Photo Upload

5 images
Last updated Jun 4 '19
Published Sep 8 '17

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Plugin title Force Avatar Photo Upload
Item published Senior Developer
Category Dating, Social networking
Price $20
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page oxwall.codemonster.pro/
License OSCL
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Force the user to upload their avatar to use the website. If you are having a lot of users without avatar this is the solution for you, this plugin forces the user to upload their avatar before using ... Force the user to upload their avatar to use the website. If you are having a lot of users without avatar this is the solution for you, this plugin forces the user to upload their avatar before using the website. If a registered member deletes their avatar and try to navigate into your website it gets redirected to the "Upload avatar" form.
It is compatible with:

Oxwall Mobile version
Oxwall Web browser version
Skadate Mobile version
Skadate Web browser version

How to test:
You can go to our demo website and create a new account with no avatar. After you sign up, you will be redirected to the "Avatar upload" form, you are unable to navigate until you upload your picture and crop it and click on save.
After the avatar is uploaded you get redirected to your profile.
If you go to edit profile and delete your avatar and try to go to another page, you will be redirected and forced to upload your avatar again.
Demo website:
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Total product rate

Based on 5 reviews

Customer reviews

Cesar Leiva

excellent works very well thank you :)

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Cesar Leiva,
Sep 11 '17
