New to the forum and I hope this finds the right topic thread.
We need a more sophisticated chat solution for our site. Imagine Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp and we are looking for something similarly engaging.
***1:1 chat
***group chat
***chat rooms (password capable)
***post into chat images, pictures, stickers, giphys, etc
***a way to make the function feel organic on phones (mobile=priority even if in frames)
***a way to push notifications to the phone.
***since mobile is nearly nonexistant on current oxwall we are running a desktop responsive theme in an iframe on an android app (looking for someone who can make a similar shell for mac phone app)
***so we would like a method to have chat push notifications to the phone to alert users of new messages. There's a push plugin but it doesn't work iOS mac phones. And I'm not really sure how to make a push work if it's wrapped inside of an iframe app.
I've seen people talking about Arrowchat and Cometchat.
Previously, cometchat was cheaper it seems but now they are on a subscription plan where I do like the one time fee of Arrowchat.
Are there other good active suggestions? Any thoughts on these two with current versions of everything? We finally have our site working well and are nervous adding a new feature but the users demand this.
Thanks for the help!