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Let's Make Oxwall Great Again. | Forum

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 23 '20
I have been testing lots of social scripts and dating scripts, until now I could not find any  software better than Oxwall.

At first when I installed some of them I tough that I found something better, but once I started trying to make something really useful for the users, all I could see was all the errors and bugs in the scripts, hard to maintain and a waste of time lots of things are missing.

So... Here I am, once again trying to Make Oxwall Great Again, I have been studying how the Skadate's progressive web app works, now I know that I can add compatibility with it, not everything that I would like to, but it is something.

Now, if you remember one thing I posted in 2019, I said I was going to make a Open Source Native APP for Oxwall, well the first  project is stalled, However, my plan is restart it once I have time and money to invest in it. If somebody want to contribute into this project with donations, I will start receiving donations for it in this month.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 31 '20
OW-Ghost May 24 '20
Welcome back SD

I feel same as you, i try other scripts but i feel i always come back to oxwall because it more easy to handle and less errors to handle. There is more useful plugin for oxwall/skadate now and it is great to see some people here still make the platform alive.

The things you done for skadate users to have much more awsome plugins to pick from i think will benefits both skadate and you self as you will sell more plugins in the end. A win win for both sides.

If i was have more money i would not hasistate to donate money for your open source native app for oxwall but i can not stop buy you plugins =) so my money empty from my pockets right now =) But when i will finish buy plugins i will start see if i can donate some money for this project.

We are very happy see you back :)


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost May 24 '20
OW-Ghost May 24 '20
I think you already have finished some awsome parts of this open source native apps for oxwall. because many of you plugins is extend any mobile app with awsome features. 

The "base" may take some work to finish but when all other developers start create plugins to the app it will bee so much bigger and very fast growing =) hope you will get some help from they who still active to create this open source native app. I can only design and solve problems, but not coding :/

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost May 24 '20
Asoka Janaka
Asoka Janaka May 24 '20
Good to see new posts here. In my opinion for Oxwall to survive the mobile side of the plugins should be given more priority. The Google AMP should be adopted into the mobile version. PWA, Android & IOs these are the things the developers should concentrate in. 

I have found couple of developers in Update & Fiverr who have started working on AMP & PWA for our project. 

If I don't mention DAVE it wouldn't be fair. He has been an enormous help for our project. It's a shame we are starting as he is retiring. We have kept the poor guy up very late to sort out our problems. Also Chris, Patricia & Marcus have helped us to get us started.

Oxwall is the best core out there. If the developers don't keep up with the time it will die a sad death. Hope it doesn't come to that. 

Like Ghost we are also getting started now. Once settled will be happy to contribute to SD's project. 

OW-Ghost May 24 '20
PWA is still use same search engine as old desktop use. the things people needs is add two more search engines to they business:

1. Apple store app search engine

2. Google Play store seacrh engine

PWA is boosting your desktop version some steps and make it maybe rank higher in the old search engines.

But what oxwall need is take the steps out to android and ios search engines. that step is totally missing but i hope it will bee reality soon. PWA can convert to android i think we not very much efforts. IOS is the one that takes effort build i think

I hope you guys can come together for a open source project. i would happy to use it when i see how many plugin that will support it and offcourse i willl ready to help out bring better features to the apps and testing it

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost May 24 '20
dave Leader
dave May 24 '20
I never knew you left lol  If you did then welcome back.. if not then carry on :)
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 24 '20

Quote from dave I never knew you left lol  If you did then welcome back.. if not then carry on :)

"No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am Lightning."

I can leave and get back in an instant, that's how fast I am. Thank you Dave.

Yes that's exactly what I'm trying to build, an app that can be added plugins or modules into it with the existing plugins, so it must be easy for third party developers.

All I need is funding, I'm putting from my own pocket to make it, but it was not enough, maybe the next month it will be restarted or as soon as I get some funding.

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer May 24 '20
dave Leader
dave May 24 '20

I suppose one option would be to ask skalfa if they would sell you the license for the core and use that as your starting point.  You could modify it before building on it to reduce the IO and streamline the sql opts and cron opts.   Then once you get the core updated and ready to roll then you would have a very powerfull and fast foundation that would accept the current plugins.

And since  you have the license you dont need to worry about any legal conflicts with oxwall. Especially since everything on top of the core would be all new coding as it should be.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 24 '20
OW-Ghost May 24 '20
With all respect but i think he talking about a PWA/IOS/ANDROID open source project. Not a desktop project.

No need license for create that?

A help with coding would bee great from all active developers or any donation.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost May 24 '20
dave Leader
dave May 24 '20
Well i dont know beans about PWA/IOS/ANDROID coding and have no desire to learn it at my age, so that counts me out... :)  But of course best of luck..
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 24 '20
+1 OW-Ghost.

We don't need a license, I'm not going to include the core into the package.
Let me explain: Our customers already have Oxwall / Skadate installed, then we build an app that takes data from an API plugin (which I'm building) and it uses that data to display something in the app. Done. We use the api as a bridge to the core for login and getting data, posting data, etc, but everything else is done in the new app that will be build 100% new code because native apps does not use PHP in the devices.
Senior Developer.

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 24 '20

Quote from dave Well i dont know beans about PWA/IOS/ANDROID coding and have no desire to learn it at my age, so that counts me out... :)  But of course best of luck..
Once we finish the first version and you see how easy will be to add support for it without needing to learn new languages, just with your existing PHP and JavaScript, I think you will be able to add support with no issues.

Senior Developer.

dave Leader
dave May 25 '20

I am sure you are correct but i hope its that easy for myself and others.   I think donations need to be managed by either an outside trusted source and/or be very transparent.  Sometimes what happens is that people donate to projects and then if the project does not work out, they get nothing for their investment. 

Honestly i am only concerned with making oxwall great again and letting skadate work out their own issues until the time comes that the powers in charge combine the two. 

Any time there is money exchanging hands there needs to be accountability.  Someone needs to keep the books public and its a bad idea in my opinion to have a development team handle developement and bookkeeping at the same time.  Sometimes it works, but in my experience many times it turns out badly.

I am not sure if any of you realize this but oxwall has begun the slow process of cleaning up the store.  Plugins that dont work are being suspended.  Many of those plugins are not actively updated and developed and so they are being suspended.  This is done in a way to still allow current users to use the product but prevent new purchases which is the way it needs to be done.

See here...  https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/66276

I think the tide is beginning to turn but we still have a long way to go to get there.  MOGA (Make Oxwall Great Again) 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 25 '20
dave Leader
dave May 31 '20

First order of business for MOGA (Make Oxwall Great Again)

Store cleanup: 

At this moment i am suspending all plugins from absent developers that have not supported their plugins for a very long time and have pretty much abandoned their store products.   This will take some time as i am first making a list of who has what manually and then suspending from the list.   One dev in particular has 105 plugins that need to be suspended.

Suspending a plugin means that the user who already has the plugin can still use it but noone else can buy it. Now if i find that customers are still able to purchase a suspended plugin then i will go further to be sure that no longer happens.  As i said before the days of developers abandoning their stores and still making money are over going forward. 

When a plugin is suspended it sends a notification (email) to the developer.  I am considering an idea we all had years ago to allow the developer plenty of time to reply.  If that reply does not happen then the plugin model is up for grabs.  That does NOT mean that anyone will be given the code, that code still belongs to the developer regardless.  It means that what the plugin does is up for grabs if another developer wants to code a similar plugin on their own, and submit it for approval.  I am thinking that 30 days should be plenty of time for the developer to reply to the notification from the date of suspension, i believe that is very fair.  This will make it possible for users to buy a plugin that works and is supported. 

So the current challenge is to get through the current store alotment and bring it up to respectable condition, and this will take some time.   You can help me by letting me know what plugins fail to install, lets start there and we can visit other failures later, but lets start with the ones that do not even install. 

One note - you dont need to worry about reporting plugins from the developer that starts with A... (no artmedia that is not you) all of his plugins are being suspended as we speak, again i am doing one by one so it will take time.



The Forum post is edited by dave May 31 '20
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 31 '20
Can we please have a list of plugins that are already suspended by you? Name and description of the plugin.

This list is helpful for the developers who want to take over and rebuild their own for sale.

Thank you.

Senior Developer

dave Leader
dave May 31 '20
Sure as i go through these i will add the description to my list.  I will release that information once it has gone past 30 days and no reply, this is to be fair to the developer. 
Bob Bob
Bob Bob May 31 '20
I'm a bit confused concerning the idea that "what the plugin does is up for grabs". 

Is it currently store policy to reject new plugins, if there is already a plugin that does the same thing? 

dave Leader
dave May 31 '20

Quote from Bob Bob I'm a bit confused concerning the idea that "what the plugin does is up for grabs". 

Is it currently store policy to reject new plugins, if there is already a plugin that does the same thing? 

Good question, the fact that the plugin is suspended and the developer has not replied in 30 days time is cause to allow such actions, that is the exception.  However, i believe that competition is good for everyone, so i will try to get a better answer and reply back here about having unsuspended active competing plugins.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 31 '20
dave Leader
dave Jun 9 '20

So if we are going to MOGA.  There is a major challenge ahead of us, and since this phase will take some time i felt we might as well get started now.   I have a list somewhere of the critical challenges we need to fix in a new version but at the moment i cant find it.  So ill try to start over and add as i go.   Actually if you know of any "critical" changes such as bug fixes please add them.

Reminder- this is not about features, this is about catching up to PHP and fixing some well known and critical issues only.  We can work on features later.

I dont want to use the GitHub version because i have no clue who those people are, for all i know they could be coding in exploits.  So i would rather start with what we know is true and safe, the version on the server 1.8.4 and we can build on that.

1. we have to update smarty

   - this change has been commited to the gitHub

2. we have to fix the bug in the virtural gifts plugin

    see here   https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/66481

    - This change has been committed to the gitHub

3. We have to fix the install so that it installs on the following php versions:

    5.6.4 and 7.0 thru 7.4.5 and prepare it for 8.0

4. We have to update the software as well to run on the followig php versions:

    5.6.4 and 7.0 thru 7.4.5 and prepare it for 8.0

5. We have to make it default that the templates_c folder is located above the

    public_html for added security.

6.  Add mobile version for all out of the box plugins.

7. We need to begin the transition of converting array()  to just [] globally.

8.  https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/8724?&page=3

  - Change has been commited to gitHub

9. add alt tags

10. also have to modify the core database.php file on line 200 to only check mysql version  if php is less than 7, and then again the function  itself called isMysqlValidVersion()

11. Fix blog plugin and other out of the box plugins regarding the implicit GROUP BY issue. 


 - Change has been commited to gitHub

12. update guzzle

   - this change has been commited to the gitHub

13. build PWA

14. improve login to avoid blunt force

more to follow....   help if you can please!

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 30 '20
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jun 10 '20

If the owner of Oxwall has control on his github project, then "Those people" are his employees or persons of trust, they cannot make changes into the master branch without his permission.

How we will contribute to fix things if we are not using Github?

Senior Developer.

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